David Bickley's Wargames Blog

The occasional ramblings of an average gamer, journeyman painter, indifferent modeller, games designer, sometime writer for Wargames Illustrated and host of games in GHQ.

Tuesday, 4 July 2023

William repulsed near the forest of Andreas Weald.

The third of our '1066 & All That' mini campaign games was this week's focus here in GHQ. Edgar the Aetheling, having failed to halt Williams advance from Haestingas towards London at Robert's Bridge, has drawn up his battered army with its flank resting on the forest of Andreas Weald. Williams weary men must raise themselves once more for the fight for fear the kingdom may slip away from them and the invasion end in humiliation and defeat. As usual Phil took on the role of Duke William the B*stard and yours truly that of Edgar the Aetheling. The rules were the second edition of Hail Caesar from Warlord Games. As is my custom a photomontage of the unfolding action follows with brief comments ~

Edgar has drawn up his army with the left division resting on the forest of Andreas Weald taking advantage of a rise in the ground to deploy his remaining divisions. 
Duke William finds his route towards London blocked by the Saxons. He must beat them again so draws up his army for the coming action. The centre held by two divisions of foot, the flanks by his cavalry divisions.
Williams men are weary of fighting and marching and so the battle line advances raggedly. In the centre Saxon and Norman skirmishers are the first to clash.
Williams advance is already finding things difficult and individual groups within each division are loosing cohesion. Saxon skirmishers are exploiting the situation.
Edgar army is resolute if somewhat battered. They hold their ground while their skirmishing elements disrupt the Norman's already piecemeal attack.
Norman crossbow armed skirmishers, supported by Medium crossbowmen, drive off the first group of Saxons they encounter: first blood to the Duke!
The Breton skirmishers' advance though is short lived as more Saxons rush forward and drive them off.
The Norman knights on William's right are hopelessly stalled by Disorder from ranged fire. In the centre the infantry are making little if any meaningful advance 
In desperation William's infantry charge uphill against Edgar's men. They are beaten off easily by the determined Saxons.
A second attack is equally unsuccessful as Edgar's centre is holding firm. 
On William's left the cavalry are finding success equally elusive. Though one group of Coerls are hurled back the right of Edgar's line does not break, merely bending back.
Again Norman knights are hurled forward against the Coerls holding the right of Edgar's line...
...and again they are hurled back in defeat.as more Saxons rush to their aid.
The final straw for William comes when his heavy infantry attack is beaten off by the Thegns holding Edgar's centre right. It is clear to the Duke that his men are spent and the battle lost. He must withdraw and reorganise before trying once more to force his way towards the prize of London and the throne of England. What Edgar may do next to thwart him must wait now for the next installment of '1066 & All That'.


  1. A steadfast and coordinated fight and win for the Saxons, aided and abetted in equal measure by the almost legendary Robinson dice chucking😉

    1. 🎲🎲🎲🎲🎲🎲🎲🎲

  2. A fine game and some lovely shots of the action there David. Great to see the Saxons halting the Normans too, which should rather nicely set up the next game of the campaign:).

    1. Thanks SteveJ, always nice to receive positive feedback.

  3. Nice browsing through your pics. The HC rules look to be working well for you. The Runes have not favoured Norman ambition, the cavalry have some explaining to do!

    1. The dice, Norm, the dice🎲🎲🎲

  4. Second Norman clash I have seen today and yours looks fab. I would enjoy having Phil’s dice chucking luck.

    1. You wouldn't, Dave was kind enough not to mention that I commanded the Normans😂

  5. Pleased you liked seeing our effort Jonathan, but as Phil says you'd not enjoy his dice luck in that game🎲🎲🎲

  6. Great stuff and the Normans defeated, sorry Phil.

    1. Thanks George, much appreciated as ever.

  7. Some very nice shots of the action there and an exciting narrative as well Dave... nice to see the Norman's getting clobbered as well... no offence
    to Phil of course, I know that (bad dice) feeling all too well! Lovely collection of figures to enhance the entertainment.

  8. A lovely looking game David…
    I think many people believe everything ended after Hastings …
    But as you are proving the conquest was no certain thing.

    All the best. Aly

    1. You are most kind Aly, much appreciated. Given Phil's dice throws of late the conquest of Normandie might even be on...
