David Bickley's Wargames Blog

The occasional ramblings of an average gamer, journeyman painter, indifferent modeller, games designer, sometime writer for Wargames Illustrated and host of games in GHQ.

Thursday 25 July 2024

Best foot forward!

Continuing the theme of random items from the Lead Pimple having their moment under the brush here is a base of Light Artillery for the Borgias of Cesare and his father Pope Alexander VI ~

The gun and three crew figures are from the venerable Front Rank range of late medieval figures, now of course owned by Gripping Beast down in Evesham. I ordered the set for collection at Partizan back in May, so they've hardly had any time in the Lead Pimple at all!

Underway next though are a base of Late Roman Clibanarii from Foundry's vintage range. A test resin/plastic Footsore Viking is also on the painting desk, so keep an eye out for Olaf there. Next week's game here in GHQ will continue the Asian theme, shuffling across to Burma and forward in time to 1943.

In the meantime my copy of Hail Caesar - The Punic Wars Rulebook arrived on Wednesday morning. It included a free sprue...of 28mm WWII Germans! On a scale of 1-10 for 'Stupid' I'd have to give Warlord Games a 9.5 for that choice of sprue! An Epic sprue would have been nice, as I've already acquired seven from friends and relatives towards a small game for my grandson William who at 10 is a keen wargamer and visitor to GHQ.

Tuesday 23 July 2024

Going Toe to Toe...

...in any recreation of the Charge of the Light Brigade here in GHQ are two of the character figures from Great War Miniatures set of three. Readers with a better memory than me will recall seeing my take on Captain Nolan in an earlier post. 

The remaining two figures were staring so forlornly at me from the Lead Pimple that I finally succumbed and gave them their moment under the brush. The two comprise Captain William Morris and the 17th Lancers' regimental butcher Jack Vahey. They are mounted as a pair, not so much as a Command base, but rather another Frippery to decorate the table ~

As you can't help but notice the Great War Miniatures figures are considerably larger than their Foundry colleagues so they are best kept in separate elements in my opinion. I saw recently that the Lancer packs seem to be available again on North Star's site, so perhaps Aly is reworking the masters for the 'out of production' Light Brigade figures? I suppose I could buy these now and paint them as the 12th Lancers, adding the second Light Dragoon and Hussar regiments in due course. Lots more in the Lead Pimple though, so it's just a thought, at present... Meanwhile next figures up across the painting desk sees a return to the Italian Wars collection. More on those in due course.

Just in case you have missed it there is a new gaming post over on my sister blog, Tales from Rhanzlistan - see sidebar for link. Why not pop over and see how our old foes Robinski and 'Tubby' Bykleigh fared in a renewal of hostilities?

Saturday 20 July 2024

Getting a Toe Hold...

...on the Lead Pimple! Freed at last, even if only temporarily, from the treadmill of the Crimean War project I have embarked on a painting spree featuring odds and ends from the old Lead Pimple! First to pass across the painting desk for their moment under the brush were four British Horse Grenadiers for the SYW collection, the last of Jon's very generous gift last year. Only four as a Small unit in Black Powder games here in GHQ mounted on oval skirmishing bases. The figures are from Foundry of course and the bases from Warbases ~

Next up, Sir Sydney Ruff-Diamond, a Wargames Illustrated  'Giants in Miniature' I received from Dan for one of the Quick Fire pieces I submitted. An inspired choice in a way given that the Tales from Rhanslistan setting seems it may receive an unexpected rejuvenation here in GHQ next week; but perhaps he might pass in Indian Mutiny or even in VBCW games? Here is the old reprobate anyway, just ready for a spot of Tiffin ~

Back to the SYW then in the shape of two mounted French figures, a General and his ADC. The figures are from the venerable Front Rank range now under the care of Gripping Beast down in Evesham. They will fill a gap in my French command bases nicely ~

Lastly under the brush are two more mounted SYW officers, by Foundry once again ~

They will make a characterful command base for my small Brunswick element in the collection, freeing Karl Frederick for more senior command duty.

Next in the queue are some Foundry Late Roman Clibanarii for old Pompus Maximus, a Front Rank Light Artillery piece and crew for the Italian Wars collection, and a handful of Footsore resin cast pre-release Vikings from Matt. On the down side though there is still no news of my Aventine order after 20 days, most disappointing.

Finally, as you must have noticed there is a run of games here in GHQ as I'm advised not to drive for four weeks following last week's consultation with a specialist about the broken bones in my foot. I had a bad fall last month and stupidly carried on regardless rather than seeing a doctor at A&E! As a result the injury was worsened, so now as a consequence no driving and only necessary walking. In a way a this is a self inflicted restriction! At my age I should have known better. As an aside though the NHS from GP to Radiology to Fracture Clinic consultant did me proud once again! Not all doom and gloom despite the media's best efforts!

Wednesday 17 July 2024

टूटे हुए फालान्जियों पर लड़ाई

This week's offering from GHQ, continuing the games set in the sub continent theme, is an Indian Mutiny encounter near the fictional village of Phalanjees. Lord Rawnsley is leading his forces ever onward towards the relief of Bhyklabad when he finds his advanced blocked by a Mutineer army, shored up by the household forces of the Raja of Rhanzlistan, the ever disloyal Bhurpa hill tribe and various Badmash bands. Rawnsley's force must be checked or the mutineers must be broken before night falls - Turn 12 to you and me. As ever now an annotated photomontage which I trust will carry the reader down amongst the action ~
The Mutineer forces, supported by their rag-tag band of allies, block Lord Rawnsley's path to relief of the siege of Bhyklabad.

Lord Rawnsley deploys his forces determined to drive the mutineers from the field and open the roD to Bhyklabad.

The right is formed from his small cavalry arm, Lancers and Guided, supported by a battery of the RHA.
The four small Brigades of infantry are in the centre, Native and H.E.I.C. troops in advance of the Regulars.
Lord Rawnsley himself leads the right flank of Heavy artillery, supported by Hussars and elephant borne Regular infantry.
On the Mutineer left are the Raja of Rhanzlistan's contingent, comprised of his mounted and foot Household Guards, his Elephants and the 'Great Gun of Bhyklabad'.
The fierce Bhurpa hill tribesmen have come to the aid of the Mutineers, fielding two foot and one mounted group of warriors. While the local population has roused itself into two groups armed only with spear or sword!

The main Mutineer forces of two sepoy infantry brigades, supported by two batteries of artillery and remnants of a sepoy cavalry regiment take the right, hoping to swing around and sweep Rawnsley's force from the field of battle.
The sepoy artillery hurriedly prepares to open fire on Rawnsley's advancing forces!
The Raja of Rhanzlistan orders the 'Great Gun Of Bhyklabad' to open fire in their support while his Household troops nervously await their orders!
Ever anxious for the fight the whole Bhurpa contingent closes with the enemy! These fierce warriors will surely terrorise Rawnsley's loyal sepoys and H.E.I.C. European regiments leading his attack! 

Bhurpas and Badmash charge home against the H.E.I.C.'s European regiments! Caught in column their closing fire fails to stagger their foe, so it's down to the bayonet!
The Badmash cannot stand the cold steel. Indeed you might be forgiven for saying that "They don't like it up 'em!" The Bhurpas are more resilient of course and meet steel with steel of their own.
The H.E.I.C. Europeans reform quickly having seen off the leading horde of Badmash as their fellows continue to struggle with the fierce Bhurpa warriors.
While that combat continues in the centre more Badmash surge forward against the reforming Europeans. Rawnsley is quick to spot the Raja's infantry advancing on their flank and orders forward the first of his regulars.
The second Badmash horde fare no better than their fellows and are driven off in route! The Bhurpas are broken too though the mounted warriors can hurry to fill the gap!
The Lancers were hesitant to charge the sepoy infantry lines. Their fate was to be raked by artillery and musket fire which shattered their morale.
Meanwhile, the Raja's infantry have been driven back in Disorder, their morale almost broken!
The infantry so far engaged from Rawnsley's force must rally from their combat losses while fresh troops take the brunt of the next Mutineer assault. The Highlanders shake out into line and their volleys shake the resolve of the Bhurpas!
Rawnsley's heavy artillery have finally come in to action and begin to engage with the 'Great Gun of Bhyklabad'.
The Highlanders volleys have shattered the remaining Bhurpa warriors band and the centre of Rawnsley's attack is stabilised now.
As they reform and regroup the sepoy Mutineer infantry begin to advance on the right, their plan to turn the enemy flank and roll up Rawnsley's attackers 
The Raja's infantry having rallied and reformed again advance to block the enemy advance. They find their flank unexpectedly exposed to some Hussars with fatal consequences...
From behind the Mutineer centre you can see the attack getting underway despite the threat posed by the Guides on their right 
On the Mutineer left things are unraveling slowly with the Raja's infantry once more repulsed. The crew of the Great Gun manhandle it round to provide some support.
While things are far from positive on the Mutineer left away on their right the situation is developing in their favour.
They may yet succeed in turning Rawnsley's flank with a determined advance.
For Lord Rawnsley the situation seems grave. Despite successes on his right and consolidation in his centre his left is under great pressure and may yet give way.
Despite losses, after heavy fighting the Gurkhas and European infantry finally destroy the remaining Irregulars holding the Mutineer centre.
The Mutineer left and centre has finally broken! The road to Bhyklabad is open to Rawnsley. Despite some success on their right the Sepoys must break off their attempt to turn Rawnsley's left flank as the army morale has Broken. They live to fight another day!
All up for my force in Turn 7, despite it all looking so promising in Turn 6! That's the joy and pain in Black Powder and why Phil and I like it so much. Next week hopefully we advance to the early 1920's and see Brigadier 'Tubby' Bykleigh confront those wiley Bhurpas and their Soviet allies under Robinski as a new campaigning season opens in Rhanzlistan.

Wednesday 10 July 2024

Decisive Engagement at Malingarah

As mobility is something of an issue for me presently Phil kindly agreed to visit GHQ for our weekly game. I managed to put together a small Tales from Pendawar action with Lord Rawnsley making a surprise attack on the gathering forces of Typoo Bicca, the Tiger of Pendawar. As is my custom now,  an annotated photomontage which I hope will carry the reader into the heart of the action ~

Typoo's forces, a motley bunch at the best of times, are gathering around the village of Malingarah awaiting the promised hordes from the mountain tribes of Rhanzlistan.
Lord Rawnsley has deployed all his cavalry on his left, his brigade of regulars in the centre and the brigade's from the H.E.I.C. on his right. His main challenge is not to be caught piecemeal due to the terrain disrupting coordinated movements.
Typoo has mustered his brigade of regulars on the left of Malingarah, supported by his large guns and his rocket men. From here he hopes to deter any probing attack from the H.E.I.C. regiments opposite while also supporting the Raja's Household troops holding the village in his centre.
Typoo has garrisoned Malingarah with the troops of the Raja of Rhanzlistan's Household. Fiercely loyal to their lord, they can be relied on to fight to the last.
On his left Typoo relies on his numerous gun batteries supported by the Voluntares de Bhykli, numerous bands of Badmash, and the elephants from the Raja's Household.
Amongst those batteries he prizes the now legendary Great Gun of Bhyklabad.
As Rawnsley's cavalry manoeuvre into position to shield his centre Typoo's forces pour forward supported by salvos from his artillery. The elephants may hopefully disrupt the nervous horses!
Rawnsley's regulars probe Typoo's centre. Typoo counters by despatching the Household cavalry against the slowly advancing enemy. From here he hopes to disrupt both right and centre of Rawnsley's force.
The Pendawar Horse Artillery drive off the first of Typoo's rabble, sacrificed to shield the elephants and the Voluntares de Bhykli.
The elephants' ponderous advance now threatens Rawnsley's left wing. The Voluntares are poised to exploit their anticipated success.
Rawnsley counters Typoo's bold move by sending the native cavalry against them, forcing them in to square and leaving the elephants dangerously unsupported.
The ponderous advance of the units of the H.E.I.C. on Rawnsley's right is supported by the first of his heavy gun batteries to counter the threat of the Household cavalry.
As Typoo moves his entire left wing forward he suffers a serious loss when a rocket explodes prematurely and destroys the battery! Fortunately only the Tiger's Claw regiment are Disordered in the aftermath.
The elephants' attack forces the 71st into square while the native cavalry are repulsed by the Voluntares' fire from their square.
In the centre Typoo throws the Raja's Guard against the Disordered infantry in Rawnsley's centre. If they break he will have split the attacker's in two for the cavalry to exploit.
Typoo's plan is to swing round on Rawnsley's centre, exploiting the hoped for success in the centre, having destroyed his left. It all hinges now on the elephants' success and the disruption of the cavalry.
The Pendawar Horse Artillery are Disordered by counter battery fire rendering their support of the endangered left less effective than Rawnsley hoped at a crucial moment.
Lacking support the elephants' ponderous assault is first halted, then thrown back. Rawnsley's left is holding up despite the pressure!
In his centre the 72nd, despite being Shaken by enemy fire, gallantly charge down hill against the faltering Raja's Guard. Their attack is now supported by the European battalion of the Pendawar Fusiliers.
The Raja's Guard, both Disordered and Shaken by the assault, are driven back by the 72nd, the Hindoostan Regiment.
Unsupported and under fire from the Pendawar Horse Artillery the Raja's elephants' morale is shattered and they route for the rear!
As do the defeated Raja's Guard in Typoo's centre. Suddenly it is all unravelling for Typoo S he anxiously awaits news of the hordes from his allies Hill Tribes!
His right mostly destroyed and his centre thrown back Typoo is facing defeat as Rawnsley's men pour forward with renewed determination. 
With only his left strongly holding their position and his right and centre now Broken Typoo's army is defeated. If only those unreliable Bhurpa tribesmen had answered his summons! 
All done then in Turn 7 of 12. An intriguing action which in the best Black Powder tradition was unpredictable until it's sudden climax. Next up here in GHQ an Indian Mutiny game with Malingarah transforming into Bhyklabad...