David Bickley's Wargames Blog

The occasional ramblings of an average gamer, journeyman painter, indifferent modeller, games designer, sometime writer for Wargames Illustrated and host of games in GHQ.

Tuesday, 18 April 2023

"The Boys was whipped, and no mistake!"

This week's game between Phil and me was in GHQ as it will be out of commission for two weeks {acting as a temporary store while our family bathroom is gutted and replaced.} Phil chose 'anything Blackpowder', so it's the ACW and the latest installment from our 'Robinson in the Valley' campaign. The scenario sees the Rebs mounting a surprise attack on the Federals who are spread out thinly in camp with several units off table until Turn 4. As usual a photomontage to hopefully give you a sense of the unfolding catastrophe ~

Supported by the New York Light Artillery the 5th New York advance to block the lone Reb infantry advancing along the road. Phil's command roll dice were at their usual level in Turn 1.
As you see, the North Carolina Brigade and the Georgia brigade have made little headway so far. Encouraged by their tardiness, US Bykleigh is confident his New Yorkers will hold the ridge against a few Virginians and Louisiana boys!
First blood to the 5th New York, a smart volley rips into the Rebs Disordering them.
As more of the North Carolina Brigade move up the 5th look nervously over their shoulder for support. It is coming, but slowly, as the Pennsylvania regiments make slow progress.
The Rebs are trying to turn the Federal right flank so ol' US orders his regulars forward. Somehow in the confusion the orders fail to arrive and the initiative goes over to PJ's boys!
In the centre the 146th New York come under intense fire from advancing Rebs. Casualties mount rapidly and they break and flee to the rear! The gap is filled by the 94th New York rushing forward to block the 18th & 19th Georgia. 
The 5th New York can endure the heat of battle no longer. Their morale collapses and they break! Just in time two Pennsylvanian regiments appear down the road, the first of the expected reinforcements perhaps?
The Federal centre collapsed and the New Yorkers fall back Whipped? The Regulars are putting up fierce resistance and holding off the 3rd Louisiana infantry and the Louisiana Tigers, but their position is untenable with the centre gone. Where are those reinforcements?
Despite the gallant advance of the Pennsylvania regiments and the stirling efforts of the artillery the Rebs are surging forward everywhere. With no sign of the reinforcing regiments the Federal cause is lost.
Everywhere you look men in butternut and gray are surging forward over the fleeing Federals.
Even the Regulars break under sustained losses and with them the army collapses. Victory for the Rebs, and for PJ some consolation in the ongoing campaign. I fear ol' Useless S Bykleigh may be sent out West to fight the Indians!
A splendid game played using Black Powder and some elements from Glory Hallelujah. Over before lunch in just seven turns. The failure of the Federal reserve's to appear allied with a sudden surge of dice joy for Phil took the game decisively to a Reb victory! 


  1. Damn those order dice! Nice looking game. Let's hope lunch was good as well.

    1. Lunch was definitely the highlight of the day! 🎲🎲🎲🎲🎲🎲

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks Ray! We do our best so it's good to know it's appreciated.

  3. After a tentative start the dice gods came good for good ole PJ and deserted the Yankee boys big time. Lunch was just dandy Joe😋

    1. Have to agree on lunch! 🎲🎲🎲🎲🎲🎲

  4. A splendid game as always David, but the Federals did take one hell of a beating:(. I'm sure it was just a feigned retreat to lure those damned Rebs into a 'trap' in the next game;).

    1. A trouncing sadly! But great fun all the same!

  5. Lovely looking game with great narration David!


    1. Very kind Christopher, much appreciated.

  6. Nice to see the Blue and Gray out. I have just given away my BP2 book, hopefully to a better home.

    1. You gave away BP2, you must be mad George, so versatile a rule set and never lets us down. Mind, you do like over complex rules I've noticed.

    2. We will have to agree to disagree on that one David re BP.

    3. Of course each to their own, but then again the judgement of anyone who plays Johnny Reb must be called into question.😉

  7. And this is the beauty of Blackpowder David, one can set a game up quickly and get straight into it. Its nice to see an ACW game, my large armies are sat in boxes waiting for an outing. Hope the new bathroom goes well.Gold taps by any chance?

    1. Indeed, Black Powder an excellent rule set with a tool kit not legalistic approach. I'm pleased you liked our effort with the ACW and thank you for your good wishes for our bathroom. As to gold taps, well, not unless Dan raises his payment rates a tad...

  8. A great looking game David…
    A rebel victory 😱
    A Phil victory 😱😱😱
    The world is all topsy turvy

    All the best. Aly

    1. It was unexpected given his run of dice luck I have to say. Still, it made for a tense and enjoyable encounter.

  9. A very nice looking game, the Rebs looked unstoppable this time....Phil brought his new dice I take it? Well done to you both, splended display! I must say, BP has become by far my favorite rule set of late... I feel it really creates the flavour of the period being played! Just my view 😉

    1. I am pleased you have taken to BP, makes my life much simpler.

  10. Fine looking table and troops there!
