David Bickley's Wargames Blog

The occasional ramblings of an average gamer, journeyman painter, indifferent modeller, games designer, sometime writer for Wargames Illustrated and host of games in GHQ.

Sunday 30 April 2023

Brunswick infantry regiment von Behr

 Away from the hobby scene this last week has seen domestic upheaval as the family bathroom was ripped out and the refurbishment begun. At the end of week one everything seems to be on course as expected 🤞although it doesn't look much like a bathroom quite yet and one major item is still outstanding. Enough of that, this is my hobby blog after all. 

I've been painting as and when I could fit it in and have completed the first of my planned Brunswick infantry regiments, von Behr, using Crusader Miniatures' SYW Prussian figures ~

I've left the Grenadier company aside for now as I plan a converged regiment when the second regiment is completed and I need to buy two extra packs of figures for that.

The flags I made using the SYW site's suggested design which I copied and pasted on Word and printed out on my laser printer. I like my flags oversized so I just go for it! The finials are from Front Rank via Gripping Beast and the bases from Warbases as ever. 

The basing texture is a mix of Woodlands Scenics buff railway ballast in three grades washed with Country Maple from Crafters' Acrylics and the static grass and tufts are from various sources including Jarvis and Gamer's Grass!

Returning to the idea of a converged Grenadier regiment I had intended to use Eagle Miniatures for these but as I have 8 Crusader Miniatures Grenadiers already I shall order up a second pack to give me the four company bases that would have been present. I like command figures in my units and so I'll stand the extra four figures and hope folk will cut me some slack! (As if I care!) I've started on the second Brunswick infantry regiment, 4 figures for the von Zastrow regiment so I'll see how far I get amidst the disruption! Wish me luck!


  1. Looking good there, you are progressing well through the great disruption.

    1. Disruption into Week 2 today, I hope progress continues on both fronts.

  2. To my mind a classic SYW uniform in terms of colours David:). Leaving out the Grenadiers out is a good call IMHO as they appear to have been used converged most of the time, based upon my reading.

    1. I have ordered up the outstanding Grenadier figures from North Star.

  3. Nice! Even under duress you continue your good progress. Hopefully the bathroom reno continues on as scheduled.

    1. Thanks Jonathan! Have my fingers crossed 🤞.

  4. Splendid David. Heading back to SYW myself next week.

    1. Many thanks George. Enjoy the SYW reboot!

  5. So you've joined the great unwashed Mr.B!

  6. A lovely new unit David…
    Here’s hoping your plumbing gets back in order sooner rather than later…

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thank you Aly, good to be encouraged even at my age. Fingers 🤞 all is going as planned on bathroom front.

  7. A fine looking regiment David!


    1. Many thanks as always Christopher, much appreciated.

  8. Good looking unit. Will be lovely on the table.

    1. Table currently out of commission, covered in bathroom bits and pieces!

  9. Nicely done David and as we are learning you can never have enough SYW figures.

    1. Thanks Matt, but 'enough'? Not a concept many wargamers know I think I'd agree.

  10. Lovely looking unit, nice sized flag, hope the disruption doesn't take too long!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain, much appreciated on both counts.

  11. This SYW project seems to be reaching epic proportions Dave... and rightly so! More splended aditions, along with the Hanovarians...it's going to be a spectacular set-up! Excellent work!, the flags look great!

    1. Thank you for the positive response Paul.
