David Bickley's Wargames Blog

The occasional ramblings of an average gamer, journeyman painter, indifferent modeller, games designer, sometime writer for Wargames Illustrated and host of games in GHQ.

Thursday 6 April 2023

Who Doesn't Love A Parade?

Paul couldn't make our game arranged for today as he's still in Taffystan with the Druids. So I thought I'd entertain myself with a few group shots of the Hanoverian contingent of my SYW Allied army, a parade if you will. You will have seen all of these before as individual units, but this is their first public appearance as a whole in GHQ ~
The gallant Hanoverian contingent of the Allied army muster for inspection.
The infantry muster three line regiments, a combined Grenadier regiment, and a Light Infantry element with gun & crew. All Figures are from Front Rank bar the two command foot figures from Wargames Foundry.
You can see the two Foundry foot figures used here as a Command stand for the infantry.
August Friedrich von Spröcken has his portrait captured for posterity by the artist D'Alimore.
The cavalry arm of the Hanoverian contingent in the Allied army, all from Wargames Foundry of course, and bar the Lückner's Hussars a gift from Jon.

The next phase of my SYW expansion project will be using mostly Crusader Miniatures and Eagle Miniatures figures. I'm not quite certain as yet which nationality the figures will represent. I have a total of three infantry regiments, two cannon & crew, and three mounted officers, the latter from Wargames Foundry,in the Lead Pimple at present to form another contingent for my Allied Army. Meanwhile I'm still working on rebasing my Saxons for the '1066 & All That' project. "Oh Joy, Oh Rapture!" as Gilbert may have written...


  1. Indeed always great to see a parade! The army looks great David!


  2. Fine work there on the Hanoverian contingent of the Allied army, bravo!

  3. A fine body of men there David, make no mistake about it:). Lovely to see the artist and his subject too!

    1. Your continued encouragement is valued SteveJ, thank you.

  4. Replies
    1. I'm pleased to have provided one for you.

  5. Very impressive David and that is just the Hanoverians !

    1. Thank you Matt. The whole Allied army needs a parade too sometime.

  6. Grand to see the troops out on parade.

  7. A splendid looking parade indeed…

    All the best. Aly

    1. Your support is much appreciated Aly, thank you.

  8. Apologies once again Dave, but the lure of the Welsh lamb was too great! As for the Druids, well.... you can't have everything! The Hanovarian expansion looks wonderful on the table....well worth the effort over the last few weeks I would say! Absolutely top marks!! One question remains.... can they fight?

    1. As I'm usually the French I rather hope not.
