David Bickley's Wargames Blog

The occasional ramblings of an average gamer, journeyman painter, indifferent modeller, games designer, sometime writer for Wargames Illustrated and host of games in GHQ.

Monday, 2 May 2022

My B.A.O.R. 1983

Here are the elements of the B.A.O.R. I have  completed to date ~

Two Chieftain MBTs with Stillbrew armour upgrades.
Two Chieftain MBTs
Two Scimitar Light Tanks, providing a Reconnaissance element to the force.
Two FV432 Mortar carriers
The Infantry elements of the force.
Two Swingfire armed FV432's.
Two of the six FV432's to provide the transport for the Infantry elements, the Commander's on the left and the Milan Section's transport on the right. Four more are in process along with two further Chieftain MBTs to complete the force. 
To recap and thus avoid any misunderstanding: Phil painted all the vehicles for the project, I painted the infantry, based everything and applied the transfers to the vehicles.
There remain 5 T72's and the Soviet infantry to paint in this initial stage, so no firm idea as yet when we might try a game beyond the second half of the year. In the meantime, aspects of the project appear in the new issue of Wargames Illustrated under its 'Quick Fire!' section heading.


  1. Looking good. I must crack on this end🙂

    1. At your own pace, Phil. I'm painting 28mm figures at present.

  2. Replies
    1. Many thanks Jon. Glad you're not too busy to pop by.

  3. Well that is a very nice looking force there David:). I'll be interested to see what camo scheme your go for the Soviet AFV's, as they had some nice options way back then.

  4. All looking fine and dandy there Dave....excellent work! Any further thoughts on which rule set to try?

  5. A nice force David. Duncan here has a real Scimitar in his collection.

    1. Well, it's wild and lawless oop north after all...😁

  6. These are certainly coming together nicely David…
    Will you be adding air support to your collection.?

    All the best. Aly

    1. I've some Lynx helicopters. Aircraft I don't currently have or plan for but you never know.

  7. Nice collection David, a great period with a lot of options and variety. I have a fair bit in 6 mm but haven’t gotten round to painting it. I do find the complexity of modern armour a headache though 🙃

    1. I find the complexity of all games challenging as I get older...👴🏻
