David Bickley's Wargames Blog

The occasional ramblings of an average gamer, journeyman painter, indifferent modeller, games designer, sometime writer for Wargames Illustrated and host of games in GHQ.

Tuesday 13 June 2023

Something Old...

... Something New, as the old saying goes, and very appropriate for the new/old project which this post previews. Of course, back in the mists of time, when the world and I were young, I had a Wargames Foundry Crimean War collection. It was moved on a good while ago, in what has morphed into sad circumstances, and consigned to happy memories. Indeed I don't even appear to have a single photo of the collection!

I've lost count of the occasions where I've declared that there'll be no new projects here in GHQ, indeed it's almost embarrassing now to declare a new one is in the offing! I suppose an explanation, beyond saying I'm a Wargamer, would be the least I could do! 

It all stemmed really from a conversation with Phil the other week when we were chatting about this and that after a game. I was musing on having no 'List' for the Partizan show and thinking out loud about things I might add to my various collections. It struck me later as I drove home that this adding new units was getting out of hand: not just storage issues in GHQ but then physically getting stuff on the table for a game when I already had too much!

So, no additions then seemed to be my position, but what of painting which has always been a pillar of my mental health down the years. When I was working I used painting as a stress management tool, finding the stress seemed to flow out of the body and mind through the tip of the brush as I lost myself in the joy of painting figures. I've found this continues in retirement to be my best route for dealing with the attendant anxiety of aging and health issues, so I did want something to continue to lean on. As my late father, a keen amateur golfer, once said to me, 'When I can't play golf you can screw the lid down on my coffin!' Replace the golf metaphor with wargaming and painting and you can see where I'm heading and why despite everything I have chosen a new project I hope.
Anyway, Great War Miniatures figures are ordered and at least one book and one package of figures have arrived and another is on its way to start the ball rolling, so we will see where it goes over the coming months I hope!


  1. I too when I used to work found painting figures a great way to de-stress and have some 'me time', even though my day job was a modelmaker for a design company. So even though it felt like a busman's holiday at times, I was working on what I wanted, when I wanted etc, which was the important thing.

    Storage is an issue for me, but luckily most of my projects are still in bags, which is good and bad at the same time. If they were all based and painted, I honestly don't know where I would be able to store them all, and that's just with 10mm figures!

    So keep painting, keep inspiring us and KBO!

    1. Thanks for a thoughtful and supportive response SteveJ, I shall try to do as you ask.

  2. A fine choice of project. Looking forward to more of your postings and seeing what you decide to build and how you go about it.

    1. It will be a while yet before I have any painted figures to show I'd expect.

  3. A very interesting project with a good old mix of unit types (between the two armies) to keep interest high. I’m not a keen painter, yet I presently feel frustrated by the high temperatures taking the ‘choice’ of painting (and gaming) away from me. My own HQ is under a lot of glass and yesterday, that room registered 34 degrees!

  4. Despite life's obstacles it's good to see there is life in the old dog yet. Half a battalion, half a battalion, a full battalion onwards!

  5. The joy of painting, Stress relief, dissapearing into one's own world amongst the thoughts and exitement of the period being worked on, and of course, being creative into the bargain! what a great hobby! As we've said before, it has little to do with what you've already achieved, age, capability or anything else! just enjoy it!!
    A wonderfully colourful and exciting period to work on... it can hardly fail to be great fun! Good luck! and I wish you well! 😀

    1. Thanks for such support Paul. See you later this morning in GHQ!

  6. Unfortunately David, wargamers of a certain age all face this quandary. Like you I keep adding units to my respective armies knowing they will rarely if ever find their way onto the table.It drives me nuts. Wargaming and especially painting the figures is very addictive and I have used it virtually all my life to handle real life. So what is the answer? If you find out please tell everyone. Strangely I was lucky enough to buy a lot of Stadden SYW unpainted British recently for a cheap price, I was excited with the purchase but at the same time I had been thinking about selling my entire SYW collection because it hadnt been used in many years. Square that circle? The only way I can see out of this quandary is paint figures for someone else, but to be honest I would find that soul destroying.

  7. Painting can be therapeutic. Do not need a better reason for it. Good looking troops for the new project.

    1. You are right of course, on all counts!

  8. As others above say, painting, for many of us, is a relaxing and fulfilling venture. Like you, I cannot imagine giving up the painting aspect of the hobby. Building large armies is great fun and provides a sense of accomplishment. We all may be megalomaniacs at heart.

    Super choice for the New Project!

  9. Excellent stuff David and fully of the view that when I run out of unpainted figures it’s time to turn off the lights. I do understand the challenge of creating collections which gradually get too big, my early war Germans are a bit like that and I am beyond getting them all out on the table. It’s less of an issue for WW2 of course as you can have very varied armies. More of a challenge for say ACW. We actually discussed this after the recent Kernstown battle and mused on whether I actually needed more ACW units (I do have a few to paint) I have come to the conclusion that I need to bring each collection up to the position where I can get them all on the table and play with them but not have three or four boxes of stuff sitting out the battle. The crimea is an excellent choice. Looking forward to seeing the project develop👍

    1. A thoughtful and positive response there Matt. I am sometimes frightened by the amount of hobby stuff I own.

  10. I don’t see the attraction myself… but each to their own as we say…🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣.

    You never know it might encourage me to get on with my Crimean collection rebasing…

    All the best. Aly

    1. Any rebasing is not my fault! I was hoping you'd be restoring the Light Cavalry masters so I could have the Light Brigade. My starting order from North Star has arrived making 7 battalions a side with artillery & command for now!

  11. Splendid choice of period and miniatures
