David Bickley's Wargames Blog

The occasional ramblings of an average gamer, journeyman painter, indifferent modeller, games designer, sometime writer for Wargames Illustrated and host of games in GHQ.

Thursday, 12 November 2020

Allied Italian cavalry

 The last base of Allied Italian cavalry for my Republican Romans has been completed, at last! I'm really no fan of painting cavalry, always seems to take far too long. I know I'm not the most patient of folk, nor the most prolific when wielding the brushes, it's just the way it feels to me. Putting all that to one side here are the results for scrutiny ~

The figures are from Aventine Miniatures, with shield transfers from LBM and bases from Warbases as ever. As it stands now the project has 80 figures left to paint, forming the Allied Italian Legion. I do plan to add some light troops to this in due course, besides the oft mentioned Spanish cavalry, but funds are committed elsewhere at present in respect of some further AWI Continental Dragoons which Phil is painting for me.

Now that these are completed its time to lay everything out on the table in GHQ to get a first sense of the look of a game. Hopefully you should be able to share in that in a day or two's time... Meanwhile, as they say, it's back to the brushes and highlighting the first four Allied Italian Legionaries.


  1. I too hate painting cavalry, so I can only admire your efforts and diligence and I look forward to see everything laid out on the table.

    1. Glad, though not surprised, that I'm not alone!

  2. Your painting looks brilliant to me. I don't enjoy painting horse tack either.

    1. That is kind and generous, but really it's not all that special. It's a kind of "trompe l'oeil approach suggesting more than is there. I paint quite often with the side of a size 0 brush.

  3. Top drawer. Look forward to seeing them in the game.
    Regards, James

    1. Thanks James! Remind me what this game thing is you mention...

  4. Impressive and nicely done, you undersell your skills David and have cracked through the units at some speed ! Will be nice to see them on parade 👍

    1. Thanks Matt, most kind, but I see them close up so have to accept my limitations.

  5. They look smashing David...
    You are certainly not alone in finding cavalry a task...
    I love the look of big cavalry units but I don’t think I could face the pain of a 24 figure unit...

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thank you Aly! I think 24 figure cavalry units would finish me off!

  6. Great looking Ancient cavalry!
