David Bickley's Wargames Blog

The occasional ramblings of an average gamer, journeyman painter, indifferent modeller, games designer, sometime writer for Wargames Illustrated and host of games in GHQ.

Monday, 18 May 2020

Coronavirus or Shinyitus?

Well, the 'Lead Pimple of Everlasting Fame' has been steadily declining in size these last few months (as I've finished 260 figures since the turn of the year) despite having received two orders from Dixon Miniatures! Bearing in mind that on my 6' X 6'6" tabletop battlefield here in GHQ there is a limit to how many ACW regiments, or indeed any other period's regiments, can be sensibly deployed for a game using 28mm figures the constant desire of the Wargamer for something different to paint and game with clashes obviously with the physical reality! So, even as I've reduced said Lead Pimple to less than one 4L RUB under my painting desk I've been thinking on what I might turn to next...
While I hadn't fully ruled out an expansion to my 1066 Normans, I just didn't feel like going in that direction just now. Nor did I feel it even remotely sensible to expand any of my Black Powder Era collections, though the SYW could always do with added cavalry! So, I've been filling the odd hour with trawling images of folks' collections on the internet for ideas and inspiration...
In the end I came to the conclusion that despite my many well aired reservations I'd start a completely new project! Mad idea, isn't it? I turn 70 on the last day of the month(DV) and have more toys than GHQ can handle in a game! Yet here I am looking at the prospect of painting two new 28mm armies! Shinyitus, more deadly to the wargamer perhaps than even coronavirus? Well, of course not, but certainly dangerous to the bank account! As an added dimension I determined after much searching to source figures from a company (or companies) new to me. Following due deliberation I decided on building two small armies for the Punic Wars, initially using Aventine Miniatures, and here are the first figures I've received eventually curtesy of the Post Office’s somewhat slower service, Republican Romans ~

I've subsequently put in a second order for a few extra figures to flesh out unit bases, but mainly for the shield transfers. I also bought an Osprey for ideas on painting up the figures, being pleased to get two by Terry Wise in one hard back copy ~

I'd hope to paint these first figures in about two months, enabling me to order their Carthaginian opponents sometime in late July. When the core of the two armies are completed then I shall look to expand both over the winter I hope, bringing a new game to the tabletop here in GHQ for 2021, and beyond hopefully. In the meantime, it’s been on with more bits and bobs remaining in the Lead Pimple! Stay safe and well all of you!


  1. Replies
    1. Well, it's a plan Jonathan, how great remains to be seen.

  2. Another project that’s what all wargamers like to see, and an excellent way to celebrate your birthday....now I would say there are some fantastic plastic figures on the market 🤔 but they might not be your ideal. The thing with ancients are they are never ending...but it will be nice to see them develop 👍 you can have elephants, cavalry loads of fun stuff.

    1. Cavalry I shall keep to about 18 figures a side I hope, as you know I dislike painting them, but elephants I shall delegate elsewhere, Phil I hope as he has a great scheme for them!

  3. Punic Wars is certainly a classic conflict and Wargamer period!

    1. You are right there, and loads of choice!

  4. Splendid a much better option than your other choice, looking forward to seeing the project progress and playing next year or late this😉 You will find the figures a joy to paint too.

    1. Now we want to know what the other choice was ? Elves and goblins I bet 🤣

    2. Matt, the naughty step for you on two counts!

    3. It was Space Marines...Epic

  5. Very nice, Aventine are great miniatures!

    1. I am initially very impressed by the figures I've received.

  6. Nice post...Aventie is a range I had never heard of until the last few weeks or maybe months...but all of a sudden, lots of people seem to be singing their praises...and deservedly too, from what I have seen. Good luck with keeping to the painting schedule!

  7. Well done! I have had the same reservations regarding staring new periods etc.The choice you have made is a good one and by picking the republicans it does allow for a civil war aspect. As for the Carthaginians well their diverse use of nationalities also allows that you can fight with just the allies.I do like the look of the Aventine ranges.

    1. Approval appreciated and noted Robbie. When my enthusiasm slackens I look to you to drive me on! The Aventine Miniatures I have so far have impressed me. Very clean sculpts and castings needing hardly any cleaning bar a few bits on the bases.

  8. I have always fancied Aventine, they do nice ranges and I've only heard good things of them. Good choice of armies too as they can be constantly expanded!
    Best Iain

    1. I'm impressed by both the figures and by the friendly, helpful service. As to "constantly expanded", well, no doubt you will be proved right!

  9. A splendid choice of a new project David...
    I was looking at these the other day...while I put my order in for some Sassanids...
    It’s a very very tempting period and they are lovely miniatures...
    I shall be watching your progress with interest...

    All the best. Aly

    1. No doubt your order was responsible for my order of transfers and figures being held up! I forgive you. For now...

  10. Aventine are fabulous, I would like to build another Roman army soonish and I am seriously considering there range, looking forward to your progress.


    1. My initial opinion of the Aventine Miniatures range is very favourable, mind I've only finished eight figures so far!
