David Bickley's Wargames Blog

The occasional ramblings of an average gamer, journeyman painter, indifferent modeller, games designer, sometime writer for Wargames Illustrated and host of games in GHQ.

Friday, 20 March 2020

No Plan Survives Contact With The Enemy 2

Well, when I posted about plans for 2020 games here in GHQ I had not given a thought to likely interruptions I must confess. I don't imagine I was on my own there though, so no blame attached so far. Now though, in the light of recent developments, Phil and I have decided it would be unwise to carry on, at least for the next few weeks. I'm no fan of solo wargames, I'd only be tempted to cheat I think if things went badly! So posts will be limited to stuff I've painted and perchance any insights I gain into our hobby in this time. Do pop by and say hello from time to time if you've a minute.


  1. That is a splendid Renaissance command element. I like solo wargaming because it can be played a little at a time and then gone back to. I also enjoy looking at it and thinking about the games as I go by. There are many effective solo mechanisms for gaming around ranging from the simplest to very complicated. Are you tempted to have a go?

    1. I'm not tempted so far, beyond setting up a War of 1812-15 table to take pictures for my WI article.

  2. Another lovely command stand cum vignette. I love solo games as they can be played at a different pace and you get a different perspective on the game. Face-to-face games with chums are the best, but solo games come a close second.

    1. Well, none of us know the future, so I may be tempted.

  3. David I suspect many of us are thinking of our options, painting of course will keep us busy....but i do need to play a few games. I am going to try some solo games but am also thinking about how to use electronic communication to create that sense of live enemy. One thing which I think needs exploring is developing a scenario, set up etc with hidden deployment. Then the remote commander issues orders as of course history would have demanded, then a few turns are played before an update by dispatch allows some fresh orders to be issued. There must be some scope for this to give games which feel less solo ?

    1. The very best of luck with this, I'll follow it closely I'm sure.

  4. Above all: Keep Safe! I will revisit some of your old posts for inspiration and, you never know, I may yet wield my brush again more frequently. At least we will not run out of things to keep us occupied over the foreseeable future. My hobby stockpiles of books, jigsaws, figures and DVDs built up for retirement may have been a blessing!

    1. I would think you could go on for years, and years...😉

    2. Eon's more like, and that's just one shed😉

    3. Down to one shed, you forget how much I culled in 2019!!!! LOL

    4. Yes, but is it a Tardis?

  5. Far better with a real enemy across the table, but I also worry about a preference for one side over another :-)
    I thought about camera phones giving players a tank eye view of the table :-).

    1. For me wargaming is intertwined with friendship. I shall miss the camaraderie I'm sure across our tables.

  6. I don’t mine the odd solo game...but I like the idea of using our modern communication devices to involve other players...

    All the best. Aly

    1. I think I may be too old to master the technology...

  7. Its a quandary David and something that is just beginning to sink in.All plans are basically off. I had intended to scale down my painting of new projects and just fill in where I thought my armies needed it which to be honest was just an excuse to have more toys.I am currently painting some hills I purchased at the York show all those months ago? so they fit in with my table. Perhaps its time to catalogue all my stuff and prepare a detailed list of what is worth selling on when I shift this mortal coil.

    1. KBO Robbie, it's the best way I've found. As to sales down the line I've told Sue and Matt, as well as Phil and Jon to see my stuff goes to my friends, I see no point in burdening grieving folk will selling off toys.

  8. I shall get a solo game in if I can tear myself away from the desk. I find them to be good tactical exercises and a way to understand the particular rule set a little better, and hopefully remember a few things😏 Plus I get the to play the set Dave loves to hate😂

    1. You are getting your CoC out then? 😉 Very daring!

    2. Well you have to do something to pass the time😈

    3. Shades of two old men in deckchairs?

  9. Production in full swing up here. Exploring technology as a means to do e-gaming.

    1. Doubt even the end of days would deter you Colin! Take care!

  10. Lots of painting my end, my daughter has promised to have a go at a game, maybe she'll like it!
    Best Iain

    1. I sticking to my usual target of 2 figs per day, which I hardly ever reach nowadays.

  11. Best wishes and stay safe. A definite uptake in painting here, and I do have a couple of games I want to try solo, plus back blog post to do, etc.
