David Bickley's Wargames Blog

The occasional ramblings of an average gamer, journeyman painter, indifferent modeller, games designer, sometime writer for Wargames Illustrated and host of games in GHQ.

Monday 12 August 2024

Bretons added to '1066 & All That'

Isn't it strange what a deep dive into the swollen Lead Pimple throws up? I had completely forgotten about the three extra Reconquista/Norman cavalry figures in a pack I'd picked up from Colonel Bill's last year. If I remember correctly they are by Gripping Beast. The other five figures have already been added as Breton allies for William the Barsteward ~

So I decided to bite the bullet and have these added to them, squinting so not as to see the fabric wrapped around the helmets! I'm confident none of we GHQ Irregulars will bother, even if we notice, once the action is underway. As with all my others in my Norman army of William the Barsteward these were painted by Phil and based by myself ~

At Partizan in May I picked up a bag of Norman unarmoured cavalry by Crusader Miniatures from Colonel Bill's, so they will wend their way to Phil in due course, when he's ready for them of course... 


  1. The basing shows them off splendidly!

    1. Very kind, the figures though are the star.

  2. Great work all round, they look super.

  3. Excellent work there by Phil and your good self:)!

  4. Fantastic painting and basing, a great team effort.

  5. Nicely done David very colourful Normans πŸ‘

  6. Lovely work there by both.... they look splended!

  7. Very nice David…
    Lovely work from Phil…
    I’m sure your new cavalry may have picked up their exotic style whilst serving as mercenaries in the Mediterranean.

    All the best. Aly

    1. A good explanation Aly, I can adopt that I think.
