David Bickley's Wargames Blog

The occasional ramblings of an average gamer, journeyman painter, indifferent modeller, games designer, sometime writer for Wargames Illustrated and host of games in GHQ.

Sunday 4 August 2024

A Slight Swelling of the Lead Pimple

I have confessed before that I need a new project about as much as I need a hole in the head, but I still go ahead and plan new projects, even sometimes buying figures for same! I am a hopeless case it seems... 

You won't be surprised then to know that despite having a decent amount of figures in the Lead Pimple I have gone ahead and made a number of purchases for a new army, the Army of Pyrrhus of Epirus. Two substantial packages of figures have now arrived from Aventine Miniatures in Belfast to make up the bones of the army, which I can supplement then from my existing Punic Wars collection ~

While we are on the topic of new projects it's best to not forget the smaller Plasasstic Pimple as well. I have now acquired seven sprues of the new Warlord Games Epics for the Punic Wars and I hope to add at least a couple more. My plan for these is a simple dinning table sized game I can play with William, and of course any other interested grandchild or chum even. The painting and basing will be basic but acceptable and I'd hope relatively speedy ~

Both projects will emerge over the winter months I'd hope, along with the Crimean War French infantry. For the latter four regiments are now cleaned up and spray undercoated along with a command base. Two others are still in their blisters while the second command base needs a spray undercoat. In my 75th year all of this is either cocking a snook at mortality or just plain barmy: your choice, I've made mine...


  1. You are not alone in this weakness, my friend, you are not alone. Besides, who can resist a freshly cast box of Aventine figures?

    1. I take comfort from that Jonathan, thanks.

  2. If you don't have lead you are already dead, plough on I say.

  3. Don't forget your Vikings! Making plans and ordering more figures are an essential part of the hobby .
    Getting them past the "other half" is the hard part!!

    1. The latter not an issue with Sue thankfully.

  4. Replies
    1. I have every intention and hope of obliging. Welcome back by the way!

  5. Good on you, never have enough project on the go, part of the wargamers make up! Be interested in your Punic epic and see how they turn out.

    1. I am still hoping to come by more sprues in due course before painting!

  6. Projects are always interesting. Good luck.

  7. Not barmy for sure David, as we all need things like this to keep our grey cells working away and to give us something to look forward too, rather than watching day time tv!

    1. Not senile enough yet for day time TV, thank goodness!

  8. I look forward to seeing what you do with your Pyrrhic army David….
    I will of course steal any good ideas for my own project…
    I am getting more and more tempted by the Warlord Punic wars toys…
    I may neeeed to pick up a box at Britcon on Saturday 😁.
    Everyone knows that if you paint all your toys … your doomed…
    So treat any new purchases as a form of insurance 😁

    All the best. Aly

  9. I take comfort from your last sentence and have placed an order with Gripping Beast for that very reason! I shall do my best to come up with ideas worth borrowing and improving on!

  10. I'm just as bad Dave... Just expanded both lead and plastic pimples in anticipation of how I want to move on further with ongoing projects!! πŸ€” If only we could paint as quickly as we can buy πŸ˜‰ Then there's the storage problem!!
    We're probably all just a little eccentric by all accounts!
