David Bickley's Wargames Blog

The occasional ramblings of an average gamer, journeyman painter, indifferent modeller, games designer, sometime writer for Wargames Illustrated and host of games in GHQ.

Friday 2 August 2024

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 As I said in a recent post I had the rest of the Vikings underway, so here are the four figures from the handful Matt gave me which are now completed: Bicca Biccasson and his Hirdmen. The group of three Hirdmen includes Olaf Nonumbersson bearing Bicca's Wolf banner and two others ~

As with the Bicca figure you will already have seen on my blog you'll have noticed that they remain unbased and with plain coloured shields. These are really test pieces from my perspective, looking at how to choose a paint sequence and palette for the metal figures when they arrive and waiting on news of transfers of course for the shields.  I think they warrant an individual close up now if you'll indulge me ~
Olaf Nonumbersson bearing the Wolf banner.
I downloaded the wolf image from a Norse mythology site on the internet and resized it to fit the resin standard. I then promptly dropped him and broke the shaft! Super glue to the rescue, but I doubt he'd survive the rigors of gaming!
Einar Boogarsson, Bicca's strong left hand!
Bjorn Breklig Bicca's strong right hand!
The main characters in the Saga of Bicca Biccasson, perhaps? Or Harald Hardrada at Stamford Bridge alternatively? No rush to decide anything as yet...


  1. A finely turned out body of men. Masterfully sculpted by Matt.

    1. Many thanks for taking the time and trouble to comment Phil. Given the absence of interest from anyone else I'm minded to simply delete the blog and stop wasting my time.

  2. They are lovely miniatures and very well painted. A whole load of these boys will look very impressive on the table.

  3. Excellent, not too many sleeps now before mine arrive I hope!

    1. If the timetable is on course you could well be right VB.

  4. Excellent work there David:)! One of the down sides of resin and 3D printed figures is spears and flag poles can be a lot less durable than metal ones, especially once the resin ages it tends to become more brittle...

    1. Many thanks SteveJ! I only ever saw these as test pieces, I prefer the hefty of metal figures in the hand.

  5. Excellent figures, very well painted.

  6. Some fine brushwork there Dave to introduce the range... a fierce looking mob indeed! Lovely looking figures, well done!

    1. Thanks Paul, nice to have such positive feedback.

  7. Very nice indeed David…
    I look forward to seeing how this project develops once you start getting some heavy metal…

    All the best. Aly

    1. Most kind Aly, thank you. Metal figures still weeks away I expect, but I can but hope.
