David Bickley's Wargames Blog

The occasional ramblings of an average gamer, journeyman painter, indifferent modeller, games designer, sometime writer for Wargames Illustrated and host of games in GHQ.

Tuesday 20 August 2024

The 42nd Highlanders, the Black Watch

Despite the difficulty I have with bonnet dicing, hose weave and kilts I have been painting a third Highland infantry regiment for my Crimean War project. When I was sorting out the British Divisions into their storage boxes I had to acknowledge that the Highland Division lacked the 42nd Highlanders, so I gave in to temptation and ordered up the figures from  Great War Miniatures via North Star. Refreshed by a period of painting a variety of figures from other projects I embarked on painting the Watch! While I've been working on them I've had the almost constant ear worm, "Wi' a hundred pipers an' all an' all..." going through my mind. So much so that I googled the damn thing just to see the lyrics. Here's an extract which I'd be pleased if it applied to my meagre efforts with brush and paint ~

"O! our sodger lads looked braw, looked braw,

Wi' their tartan kilts an' a', an' a',

Wi' their bonnets an' feathers an' glitt'rin' gear..." 

I have to admit reluctantly that it may not apply to my efforts as you see from the photo of those I've completed so far but as my late father would have surely said, "A blind man on a galloping horse would be glad to see them!" So hopefully they will do when the remaining eight are painted and the regiment is based ready for action on the tabletop battlefield here in GHQ.


  1. They look fine David, My Napoleonic ‘watch’ have been coated in mud and dust from battle πŸ‘

    1. No mud & not much dust in GHQ I'm pleased to report!πŸ˜‰

  2. Looking fine and dandy there Sir.

  3. Nothing wrong with them, they look cracking, will be a lovely unit on the table.

  4. Another fine body of men for the collection.

  5. Once complete I'm sure you'll be pleased to have this iconic regiment in your order of battle. Braw lads indeed.

    1. I will be glad when the last six are finished!

  6. Bonnie looking lads David…
    They certainty look like they are going to ‘Gie it Laldy’

    Hoots!…. Aly

    1. As I command the Roosians I can't say I'm looking forward much to that experience!

  7. Well they look plenty fine to me David and your father's phrase made me chuckle!

  8. A fine effort indeed sir! Lovely work!
