David Bickley's Wargames Blog

The occasional ramblings of an average gamer, journeyman painter, indifferent modeller, games designer, sometime writer for Wargames Illustrated and host of games in GHQ.

Tuesday 6 August 2024

Late Roman Clibanarii

 A while back now, you may possibly recall, I sold off a sizable portion of my Late Roman collection to Aly Morrison. When it came then to reorganizing the rump of the collection into their RUBs for storage I found that there would be space for five bases of figures. I suppose on a whim I bought two Foundry packs, one of Late Roman Clibanarii and another of Late Roman cavalry {#3} to add to the remaining forces of the rightful Emperor, Pompus Maximus, and Baldinus the Pretender. 

By reorganising the riders and mounts from both packs I have one base of Clibanarii with kontos and bow mounted on armoured horses and another of Heavy Cavalry with bows, as either a second rank on unarmoured mounts or a separate unit. Liberated from the confines of the Lead Pimple by my 'paint what you fancy' period here are the figures, firstly the base of Clibanarii with kontos ~

These venerable figures still have a certain charm I think, but they do seem small after all those Crimean War Great War Miniatures I've slogged away at painting these past months. My painting won't win any prizes of course, but they will fit in just fine I'm sure. The second group of four heavy cavalry firing their bows are illustrated in the next two pictures. Basing figures firing sideways is always a compromise for me, so I hope the choice I made here meets with approval ~

Room remains in the allocated RUBs for three more bases for this collection so I shall have to give that some thought in due course. These will have to do for now.


  1. Great painting on some very nice figures.
    I've always thought about some Romano British/early Saxon gaming.
    Maybe some Huns for the extra 3 bases?

    1. Thanks Andy! Huns were moved on! No ideas as yet.

  2. They look great, very good work on them. Foundry figures may be old but they still look the part and hold their own very well.

    1. As you say, they are not past it, unlike me!

  3. Well I for one think your painting is excellent, ditto the basing:). When on the table your units all look superb as everything gels together nicely. Painting what you fancy is generally my approach too!

    1. That's very generous SteveJ and much appreciated.

  4. Two fine additions to the Roman ranks. I could have done with those on the table yesterdayπŸ™‚

    1. Yes, that's probably true, though other dice may have helped!

  5. Very nice work indeed! The basing and composition looks great to me! Well done!

  6. Top stuff David…
    And you know who to call if you tire of them 😁

    All the best. Alt
