David Bickley's Wargames Blog

The occasional ramblings of an average gamer, journeyman painter, indifferent modeller, games designer, sometime writer for Wargames Illustrated and host of games in GHQ.

Tuesday 23 January 2024

Just Out of interest...

...I found this quote on the web while browsing random blogs, it concerns the deployment and effectiveness of the Royal Horse Artillery Rocket Troop present at the Battle of Waterloo. I think that it illustrated nicely that Black Powder rules have it about right for the effectiveness, or otherwise, of Rocket fire in the period. Apologies to those readers for whom this is old hat!

During the retreat from Quatre Bras, Captain Mercer described their performance thus: "The order to fire [rockets] was given - port/fire applied - the fidgety missile begins to sputter out sparks and wiggle its tail for a second and then darts forth straight up the road. A gun stands right in its way, between the wheels of which the shell in the head of the rocket bursts, the (French) gunners fall right and left, and, those of the other guns taking to their heels ... our rocketeers kept shooting off rockets, none of which ever followed the course of the first: most of them, on arriving about the middle of the ascent, took a vertical direction, whilst some actually turned back upon ourselves - and one of these, following me like a squib until its shells exploded putting me in more danger than all the fire of the enemy ..." 

I just enjoyed the humour of that first person recollection along with it evidencing that very British character trait, of finding humour even in the midst of carnage and death all around on the battlefield.

As I said, effectiveness or otherwise! From a Pendawar game last year in GHQ. Typoo Bhyka's Rocket Troop suffers an explosion on launch and we're destroyed! 


  1. An entertaining account indeed…
    Dicing randomly for direction and distance seems to be the most accurate way to go with rockets…Although I am fairly certain I can hit my own men regardless of any special rules…
    The dice gods think it’s funny 🤣

    All the best. Aly

    1. Yes, rockets are both fun and irritating in equal measure, so those pesky dice deities must have a hand in the process somewhere.

  2. a realistic rule, but a fun aspect of gaming. My rocket unit for the Carlist war has a chequered record!

    1. Pretty much sums up rockets in our games too Stephen.

  3. Just like in BP, whizz, bang, phut!🙂

    1. Spot on there Phil! I must remember that phrase for blog use next time the rockets are in action.

  4. A nice snippet of info there David and BP certainly seems to have got it spot on with their rules for rockets. Lovely to see you rocket troops again, despite some friendly fire as it were!

    1. Thanks SteveJ, as always your support and encouragement are welcome.

  5. Yes, they obviously were not a very effective weapon, but they look very cool on the table, which is why I have several in my collection, and more on the way currently, coincidentally!

    1. They are an amusing diversion and we are always astonished when they score a hit!

  6. Probably more dangerous to the shooters than the enemy I would suspect, but they look great on the table! BP certainly has the balance right in my view...

    1. Yes, would not fancy standing next to one!
