David Bickley's Wargames Blog

The occasional ramblings of an average gamer, journeyman painter, indifferent modeller, games designer, sometime writer for Wargames Illustrated and host of games in GHQ.

Tuesday 2 January 2024

Call Out the Militia!

Phil and I renewed friendly hostilities here in GHQ with the first game of 2024, a small AWI battle pitching the Rebel Militia commanded by Ol' Independence or Death Bykleigh and the Hessian/Loyalist force lead by Von Robensähn. The game was played using Black Powder 2nd Ed as the rules, with one or two in-house modifications, and was set at 12 Turns duration. 

To win the game the Militia must prevent the Hessians/Loyalists from reaching their base line! In Turn 6 they can attempt to bring on a two regiment Virginia Continental Brigade and in Turn 8 a three regiment Maryland/Delaware Continental Brigade. In both cases by passing a Command Roll -1. As ever now an annotated photomontage to carry you into the action ~

Butler's Rangers, a large unit in rules terms with an amusette and 3lb gun, hold an advanced position on the Crown's right flank supported by elements of Tarleton's Legion and Loyalist cavalry.
A large Hessian Brigade will bear the brunt of the Crown's attack, supported in the distance by a small Loyalist Brigade. Von Robensähn can just be made out in the distance leading from the rear!
Hurrying -who am I kidding- to the defence are three small Militia Brigades supported by a rag tag of Mounted Militia and a Light gun.
The Hessians move off steadily, but slowly, forward towards the Rebel positions. The Jaegers take the lead hoping to disrupt the Militias' deployment with harassing fire.
It looks to me as if these boys are anything but keen to trade lead with the German mercenaries! They need to get into position along the fence line of the Hessians will make short work of them!
The lead Brigade makes it into position but it's fellows are proving very tardy in deploying.
Fortunately for their cause the Crown's forces are equally slow in getting underway! Three Turns gone already and not a shot fired to break the silence or steady the nerves.
Taking what comfort they can from the Hessians' sloth the Militia are at last getting into some sort of fighting order. The Light Gun has deployed and has several targets in its sights.
Suddenly the Hessians' sense the urgency of taking action and advance steadily to trade lead with the waiting Militia lining the fences. The Jaegers are moving onto the left flank to get around the American lines!
The lead flies thick and fast and casualties and Disorder begin to affect both sides. The second line on the American right is in Disorder and cannot react to the Jaegers working around behind them.
Turn 6 arrives and with it thankfully the small Brigade of Virginia Continentals. They move towards the threatened right, but not with the sense of urgency their commander would wish for!
The Hessians' are also taking casualties and much Disorder is disrupting both sides. All along the line of battle the firing is hot work, it is looking as if someone might break soon!
The first of the Militia have had enough and Break for the rear with shattered morale! The Continental infantry stand firm as the fleeing rabble push through them in their haste to escape.
The second Militia regiment breaks, the first Brigade is lost for the Americans, though the Virginians stand firm ready to meet the Hessian onslaught.
Along the battle lines fierce fighting rages as volley upon volley crashed out dealing Death and disorder to men of both sides!
The Militia are having the worst of the exchanges now and their Morale is creaking dangerously towards flight not fight!
The third Militia Brigade gets into action supported by some Rifle armed Mountain Men. Their combined first volleys break the King's Orange Rangers! The fighting seems to be moving in favour of the American cause...
I did say 'seems' didn't I? In Turn 10 it all comes unstitched for Bykleigh's boys, the impetus switches to Robensähn's Hessians as the American lines buckle under the pressure.
In Turn 11 a final Hessian volley delivers the coup de grace to the American army and it melts away as it's Morale shatters - three of the five Brigades being Broken then.
Cheered by a wounded Hessian musketeer Von Robensähn orders a General Advance from his tired boys to secure the battlefield as the Americans and their commander Bykleigh slink away.
A grand start to the year's action here in GHQ we both thought. The fortunes of battle went back and forth between the two armies until the crucial moment arrived. For us this is the main attraction of Black Powder 2nd Ed, the uncertainty that brings a feeling of the fog of war and the uncertainty of command once the action gets underway. 
The figures are all from my collection: Front Rank, Foundry, Perry Miniatures and Eureka Miniatures in the main. My original Front Rank figures in the collection were purchased at a Salute in Kensington Town Hall, back in the early 1980's? They stand up pretty well to the more contemporary look of Perry Miniatures and Eureka Miniatures figures to my eye.


  1. A great way to start the New Year for sure. BPII is a great set of rules IMHO, both for solo play and FtF due to the inherent 'friction' within the command rolls.

    1. Thank you SteveJ! BP seldom disappoints us we've found.

  2. A most enjoyable and unpredictable contest on a splendid table and toys. The beauty of Black Powder is you can never take your successes in anyone turn for granted.

  3. What a great start to the new year David , great to see the AWI on the table I have a few of those front rank figures in amongst my commands and they work fine if a little bulkier 👍

    1. Some must be getting on for 40 years old by now!

  4. A cracking game to start the year with David…
    And you let Phil win 🤣

    All the best. Aly

    1. I was trying not to, but you know how it goes 🙄 All turned on the dice in two turns: firstly Phil saved all his casualties and secondly I failed to score any hits in another!

  5. A fantastic looking game and a very enjoyable report.
    A splendid,if not a winning,start to 2024,.

  6. Many thanks Andy for such a ringing endorsement!

  7. An excellent start to the year David and with AWI which always is a winner with me! All my Americans are Perry and Foundry, but a large chunk of my British are Front Rank which hold up well, although they are slowly being replaced with Perry.


    1. Thank you Christopher! But, you are replacing your Front Rank figures? Sad to read that, they are still fine in my opinion.

  8. A splended looking game there, and a great way to kick off 2024 in GHQ! As always, wonderful toys and table. Well played both.
