David Bickley's Wargames Blog

The occasional ramblings of an average gamer, journeyman painter, indifferent modeller, games designer, sometime writer for Wargames Illustrated and host of games in GHQ.

Thursday 2 June 2022

The Rani of Pendawar

 I contributed a Quick Fire article to Wargames Illustrated earlier in the year featuring my ongoing Cold War Gone Hot project. Each such contribution gets the author a Giants in Miniature figure, and so for mine I chose the Lakshmi Bai figure as I thought it would suit games set in the subcontinent, of which we have three or four options here in GHQ . 

Trawling around different companies' web sites I noticed Empress Miniatures had a mounted version, along with a second  figure, in their Indian Mutiny range. Further browsing of the range sourced a likely group of 4 figures to attend my foot version and so both packs were duly acquired at the recent Partizan show. I've been painting these five foot figures since then, interspersed amongst my 15mm Cold War Gone Hot Russian infantry for variety, and here is the completed base ~

The Rani of Pendawar , or indeed of Bhyklabad, and her body guards will feature as a command base in games set in my fictional Indian settings of Pendawar or of Bhyklabad, maybe at a squeeze even in Rhanzlistan should we venture there again at some future date! The flag of course is by my talented chum George Anderson and the base from the ever reliable Warbases, who else? Meanwhile, it's back to the little people, otherwise known as the Plastic Soldier Company's Cold War Russian Infantry...


  1. Now that is lovely David! I look forward to seeing it in action in due course:).

  2. That is one splendid command base there, that demands to see the table toot sweet.

  3. A great looking command base David!


  4. Replies
    1. Glad your busy schedule has allowed you to visit! Thanks!

    2. In between busy and very busy Mr.B.

    3. No doubt you are a blur!

  5. Super base, as for the flag, you are welcome.

  6. Thank you George! Credit where it's due though for your smashing flag!

  7. Lovely looking base David 👍

  8. Stunning work there dave! As always, inspiring!👍

    1. I do my best, all any of us can do really.

  9. A splendid command base David…

    All the best. Aly

  10. Great stuff David, I am always a fan of any tenuous excuse to include female figures in a collection or on the table...WWII Soviets are wonderful for this purpose, as are SCW Milicianas! The Rani is also a very valid leader for this particular theatre of operations

  11. That's a fabulous looking base, David!
