David Bickley's Wargames Blog

The occasional ramblings of an average gamer, journeyman painter, indifferent modeller, games designer, sometime writer for Wargames Illustrated and host of games in GHQ.

Thursday, 29 August 2024

Scots Awa'!

The 42nd Highlanders, the Black Watch, are finally completed and mustered into GHQ to join their fellows in the Highland Division! Nay more bonnet dicing, kilts, sporrans and hose for me!! Ever!!!!! The last four took me an age as the muse was largely AWOL! But they are done and deserve their moment in the sun ~

The figures are from Great War Miniatures and the colours from North Star's excellent range for the period. The bases are from my go to supplier, Warbases of course ~

Enthused by completing 'The Watch' I have embarked on the first of my French figures for the period, a regiment of Line Infantry in shako. Hopefully 🤞🏻 they will be somewhat quicker across my painting desk than their predecessors! But, you never know... So far I've finished four and have the next four ready for highlighting. I'd hope to manage that tomorrow, so long as the City Fibre folk don't mess up our free upgrade! 

Monday, 26 August 2024

Displacement Activity?

Having decided, thanks to William's input, not to sell the rump of my Late Roman collection I spent a little time looking more closely at the individual bases of figures. I came to the conclusion that the figures were fine (by my standards you understand) but the basing was not. Too dark and too much coloured flowery vegetation on them! So, ho-hum, time for rebasing!!!!

Phase One requires the figures to be eased from their original bases. I do this one base at a time by gently adding boiling water to a shallow container (one of Sue's baking trays, shhhh!) In about a minute then figures can generally then be eased off, perhaps slightly longer might sometimes be needed for horses. I lay the figures on a soft cloth as they are removed to absorb any remaining water droplets. Once all are dry you can move on to Phase Two.

I chose the base sizes by no other expedient than looking through my stock of 3mm MDF bases left after the Crimean War project had run it's course. Bases chosen for infantry and cavalry are generally 80mm wide and mostly 60mm deep. The exceptions are Legionary command bases, Light Cavalry and ballistas all on 50mm x 60mm bases. Command bases are of course circular: 70mm for the Army General and 60mm for the Division Commanders.

Having made that decision the next phase is to set out the figures in a dry run to see what arrangements are both possible and practicable as well as pleasing to the eye. It's best I find to tackle all one arm of the force at a time starting with the Command bases. Here are those bases for the two armies at that stage ~

The 'Usurper' Baldinus or Gornalus
Pompus Minimaximus, the rightful Emperor

You'll notice that as well as the size difference the type and composition of the figures on the base denotes it's general Division composition for either mostly infantry or cavalry.

Artorus, Dux Pendalorum, a cavalry commander
Astonius, an Infantry commander 
Bicca Magnus, an infantry commander 
Rubinus Minimus, a dashing cavalry commander 

The infantry mostly take care of themselves in reorganization of the figures on the new bases thanks to the poses, colour schemes and shield designs as you can see in the following pictures ~

While generally the same applies to the mounted arm there is the decision on how many figures can fit on each base to convey the desired look. Four Cataphractarii look best closely based together while other Heavy Cavalry can be three or four to a base dependant on pose mostly! You can see what I mean more clearly in the pictures I hope ~

Light cavalry in the collection currently consist of some Horse Archers and others armed with javelins. The latter are two to a 50mm x 60mm base to allow them to form Open Order while the former are on 80mm x 50mm bases to give a sense of the Cantabrian Circle formation giving fire ~

Once you are happy with the configuration of each base and the unit overall the figures can be glued down. I use a mixture of UHU Power with a drop of cheap Super Glue added. I've found this dries more quickly and securely than just UHU Power. You are then ready for Phase Three which is adding the basing texture, in my case a mixture of Woodlands Scenics Buff Railway Ballast, in Fine and Medium size granules, fixed to the bases with School PVA from Hobbycraft - or Hobbycrap as it's known hereabouts due to indifferent stock availability! As this is a biggish job I'll return to this phase early next month, I've still got those four 42nd Highlanders to finish off!!!!!!

Thursday, 22 August 2024

An Iberian Excursion!

 Phil has been steadfastly taking up station on his side of the table here in GHQ for several weeks now while my foot healed so for the final game in his nomadic gaming life we chose a First Carlist War game with his outstanding collection being given the larger opportunity of the table here in GHQ to show it's prowess. As an added twist Don Bicclione would command the Carlists forces for the first time and William would command the Isabellino's British Legion. Please remember that all the figures are from Phil's collection while only the terrain is from mine. On now to the usual annotated photomontage, hopefully conveying a feeling for the unfolding action ~

Carlists hurry to deploy from the town to meet the oncoming threat of Don Philippe's Isabellinos. Fortunately the advancing enemy are making slow progress.
On the Carlist's right flank skirmishers take post around the walled farm supported by their sole artillery piece. The cavalry arm are held in reserve to counter any threat from the British Legion of General Watkiss.
The first Carlists are shaking out into line beyond the town's perimeter ready to repel the slowly building Isabellino attack.
With artillery on its right flank and skirmishers thrown out to its front the Isabellino force takes shape for the attack before the Carlists are fully deployed. 
The British Legion of General Watkiss on the left of the Isabellino line is hesitant to advance in the opening stage of the action, though it's Royal Marine rocket troop are quickly into action.
Watkiss advances his Lancers on the left to deter the Carlist cavalry from any ideas of getting around his line.
While his advanced force holds up the probing Isabellino attack Don Bicclione urges the remainder of his infantry in the centre to hurry to their front.
The Carlist artillery advances and deploys in support of the skirmishers while the cavalry take post to their rear in support.
Skirmishers from the Isabellino forces harass the deploying Carlist advance guard while the rocket's fire Disorders the column in its attempt to form line in support of it's compatriots.
On the Carlist left the second smaller infantry brigade crosses the stream despite harassing fire from the rocket. Regular infantry and skirmish elements are supported by a Volunteer battalion.
The Royal Marine rocket troop maintain their fire in support of the attack, causing some casualties and disruption amongst the Carlists.
In return artillery and skirmish fire Disorders Watkiss's British Lancers.
Now though Watkiss gets his attack underway in support of the Isabellino right who are encountering growing Carlist resistance in the centre particularly.
A determined attack is developing against the Carlist's weaker left, though the cavalry which might cause some danger is holding itself far in the rear.
Musket fire rakes the forward Carlist infantry shaking the morale of one regiment still finding it's feet and failing to deploy into line. 
While the advanced units in the centre are holding on in the face of superior numbers the left is looking more secure for the Carlists as infantry fire drives back the threatening Isabellino infantry.
As the remaining Carlists struggle across the bridge a hit from the rocket troop strikes home! 
With the Carlist left and right holding firm Don Bicclione is at last relieved to see his centre finally strengthening with the late arrival of further infantry regiments in support of his threatened centre.
Columns of Carlist infantry surge forward into position just in time to steady their fellows who have been under growing pressure.
Carlist Lancers having disposed of their British opponents charge home against the rocket troop! The Rocket troopers defend themselves resolutely but are soon overwhelmed.
In the Carlist centre and left the infantry have first blunted the Isabellino's attack and then gone over to a steady advance hoping to drive home their local successes.
Looking increasingly secure the Carlist centre senses it is gaining the upper hand. It seems it's Isabellino opposite numbers forced into square by the threat posed by the unopposed cavalry behind its left flank.
Paralysed by the cavalry threat and with morale faltering amongst it's forward battalions the Isabellino position is wavering.
It's left though is having a resurgence, seeing the Carlist Volunteer battalion broken and casualties mounting for its Regulars. 
Increasing pressure and mounting losses sees the Carlist left crumble as morale collapsed. The Isabellino cause has received an unexpected boost with this success.
Despite heroic efforts by the remaining cavalry they cannot turn the tide against the increasingly confident Carlist right and centre. Losses are mounting for the Isabellinos, including the death of General Watkiss bravely leading a last forlorn cavalry charge 
It is all up for the Isabellino cause when Don Philippe realises his cavalry are gone and his right hand Brigade is Broken! The army's will to continue the fight has just evaluated like morning mist and a general retreat is ordered. Don Bicclione has prevailed in the face of impending defeat and secured a victory for the Carlist cause.
A splendid game with Black Powder providing the expected swings in fortunes for both sides! It was looking like an Isabellino victory in Turn 5, but Turn 6 saw that reversed decisively and in Turn 7 it was all up for the Isabellinos with half their army gone and General Watkiss slain on the field of battle!

Tuesday, 20 August 2024

The 42nd Highlanders, the Black Watch

Despite the difficulty I have with bonnet dicing, hose weave and kilts I have been painting a third Highland infantry regiment for my Crimean War project. When I was sorting out the British Divisions into their storage boxes I had to acknowledge that the Highland Division lacked the 42nd Highlanders, so I gave in to temptation and ordered up the figures from  Great War Miniatures via North Star. Refreshed by a period of painting a variety of figures from other projects I embarked on painting the Watch! While I've been working on them I've had the almost constant ear worm, "Wi' a hundred pipers an' all an' all..." going through my mind. So much so that I googled the damn thing just to see the lyrics. Here's an extract which I'd be pleased if it applied to my meagre efforts with brush and paint ~

"O! our sodger lads looked braw, looked braw,

Wi' their tartan kilts an' a', an' a',

Wi' their bonnets an' feathers an' glitt'rin' gear..." 

I have to admit reluctantly that it may not apply to my efforts as you see from the photo of those I've completed so far but as my late father would have surely said, "A blind man on a galloping horse would be glad to see them!" So hopefully they will do when the remaining eight are painted and the regiment is based ready for action on the tabletop battlefield here in GHQ.

Saturday, 17 August 2024

The Twilight of Pompus Maximus?

It was quite possible that this would be the last time the rump of my Late Roman collection saw action here in GHQ as I had very tentatively opened negotiations to sell them on. Paul has been having a difficult time of late and has not been able to get here for a game for a while, so for this month's resumption of 'friendly hostility' I thought the small Late Roman game using a cut down version of Hail Caesar would be best, a kind of gentle reintroduction to gaming with the emphasis firmly on fun.

The two opposing forces ~

The much reduced Imperial army of the rightful Emperor, Pompus Maximus.
The army of the usurper, Gornalus.

Now though it's on to the action on the tabletop battlefield at the onset of hostilities with the expected annotated photomontage ~

Pomp.Max.Imp directs his reluctant infantry to advance across the river.
No such hesitation on the part of the Equites! They sweep forward to engage their opposition on Gornalus' left, while the Cataphractarii trot forward intending to ride down the enemy infantry holding the centre.
Gornalus takes up a position behind his strong centre ready to direct the counter blow when the opportunity presents itself.
The crew manning the Onager readies the infernal machine to wreak havoc on Pompus' infantry struggling to make headway along the road. No Roman Road apparently here!!! 

Saxon Foderatii hold the right flank of Gornalus' centre safely out of range of the enemy's bows and seemingly impervious to their Ballista fire!
On Gornalus' right his cavalry are put to flight! The 'Dice gods' are fickle as ever and desert Gornalus at just the wrong moment. His armies left flank is in the air and disaster becons!
At last Pompus sees his infantry across the bridge, though progress remains painfully slow! Clearly the 'Dice gods' are enjoying their impartial and capricious behaviour!
It looks grim for Gornalus' cause by this time, though his cavalry remnants avoid destruction while Pompus' fail to achieve their orders in most respects. The army fights on with courage and stubborn determination!
Finally his cavalry remnants break as do his courageous Medium Infantry! Amazingly though Pompus' cavalry finds itself Shaken and/or Disordered and cannot influence the unfolding events.
Only one cavalry unit can manoeuvre freely, so of course it fails to do so at a crucial juncture. Thank you so much 'Dice gods'!!!
The Cataphractarii are halted by fire from Gornalus' Legion, supported by the Ballista and the javelins of the Saxon Foderatii! Pompus fears victory is slipping away from him...
Indeed it is! With his cavalry arm broken and one infantry unit fleeing it's all up for the aging Emperor...
Distraught by the turn of events turning certain victory to ignominious defeat, Pomp.Max.Imp falls on his sword and so passes to join the Shades of Immortal Memory...
It was great fun, unpredictable as ever and our fiddling with the rules for victory and defeat worked really far better than I'd hoped, despite the end result! Gornalus will assume the purple, though who can tell how long he will maintain his grip on it? 
As an added bonus to end with, some close-up pictures taken by Paul during the game ~
Clearly not a Roman Road...
Cart modelled by longtime chum Ian Bottrill.
Gornalus' infantry formed up for the coming battle.
What was that about roads?
Pompus' cavalry amongst the ruins...not long after they were ruined themselves!
Cataphractarii prior to coming off second to Gornalus' combined infantry and ballista!
A legionary's eye view of the action?
At least these Equites looked the part before the action unfolded!
As to the potential sale, well circumstances have moved on for now and the collection remains here in GHQ for the present at least pending developments. Perhaps the Shade of Pompus Maximus will rise once more one day...