David Bickley's Wargames Blog

The occasional ramblings of an average gamer, journeyman painter, indifferent modeller, games designer, sometime writer for Wargames Illustrated and host of games in GHQ.

Saturday, 14 October 2023

British Heavy Siege Artillery

My most recent efforts at refurbishment and rebasing of elements from the Prodigal Foundry Crimean War collection saw the last of the British artillery processed. They have given me a large 32lb artillery piece and a 13" mortar, both with their crews ~

Not a great deal more I can say about them really, you must be wearying of it all by now, I know I am.
Finally, by way of a diversion, a small camp vignette using up three spare officer figures and I think the photographer from Britannia - now Grubby Miniatures - while the subjects are from Foundry of course. The three officers are having their picture taken, to send home to loved ones perhaps, and include my favourite, a stout Turkish officer. As I have no other Turks in the collection then he must date back to the 'good old days' when figures could be bought individually. I really do miss being able to choose the figures I wanted for the look I wanted my units to have! I detest figures in packs!
I realise now that I have been mistaken in attributing these to the early 1980's, mainly because of the Greeks Matt painted shown in the previous post. They were in fact painted in the early 1990's, so just 30 years ago. Sorry if I misled any readers, you will excuse me I hope as I put the error down to age...👴🏻


  1. Great looking artillery and very clever vignette David!


    1. Thank you Christopher, much appreciated as always.

  2. Good to see your gusto as not gone yet.

  3. Great Artillery bases and an absolutely fantastic vignette

    1. Thank you Andy for your fulsome support and encouragement.

  4. Not wearying of these posts at all David! The large mortar is great and love the camera vignette. Luckily with Pendraken I can order individual figures for a small increase in price, which is very handy indeed. Other manufacturers really should consider offering this.

    1. I really miss trawling through catalogue lists and picking out the look. There is a distinct lack of officers & NCOs in many units because of blisters! Front Rank & Dixon are still selling single figures, obviously Perry's & Foundry don't care much about the customer.

  5. If you go "plastic" Dave, conversions are easy! 😁
    Wonderful Bases by the way... once again! One never tires of following this phenomenal output!!

  6. Plaaastic? On the 'Naughty Step' for you young man!
