David Bickley's Wargames Blog

The occasional ramblings of an average gamer, journeyman painter, indifferent modeller, games designer, sometime writer for Wargames Illustrated and host of games in GHQ.

Thursday 10 October 2024

Not Lies, but exaggeration?

 They say that the camera does not lie, and that may well be true in general, but in my experience it can most certainly exaggerate! In question are a series of photographs which taken today here in GHQ by Dan for Wargames Illustrated. They will accompany an article I've written on the processes involved in getting my Crimean War collection together over the past months, an article which will appear I'd guess early next year due to the long lead in times for a print publications. Here are three photographs I took earlier this morning under the normal GHQ LED lighting,with most, but not all, of the collection laid out on the tabletop battlefield ~

A general view of the table viewed from behind the Allied lines.
The Allied army organising itself for the imminent battle.
The Roosian hordes pour forth for battle, their artillery emplaced on the higher ground behind their front line.
Now a few photographs I managed to snap during lulls in proceedings to take advantage of the extra lighting Dan provides ~
A collection of Crimean friparies suggesting the Headquarters camp perhaps.
The regiments of Foundry British making up one Brigade of the Light Division ~ well they are smaller figures than the Great War Miniatures ones!
Under the protection of a Royal Artillery battery massed British infantry advances to the attack!
Massed columns of Roosian infantry march resolutely forward to engage the Allies 
The Guards will advance! 
The Allied right and centre move relentless forward on their Roosian foe! 
The well lit photos certainly enhance what you see on the tabletop in my opinion. Perhaps better lighting in GHQ might be on the agenda next year! Technology is always advancing as you know, not just in lighting either. Today I learned that my role as Sky Holder has been made redundant by software. One click of a button and infinite types of background sky can replace the off table detritus in GHQ! I know how the Luddites felt now...


  1. The table looks fantastic and should make a great spread when it does go to publication. Quite superb.


  2. Brilliant to see the majority of the Crimean collection out on your table.
    The first three pictures are very evocative of period photographs of the Crimean.
    Absolutely wonderful stuff.
