David Bickley's Wargames Blog

The occasional ramblings of an average gamer, journeyman painter, indifferent modeller, games designer, sometime writer for Wargames Illustrated and host of games in GHQ.

Sunday 13 October 2024

Down, but not out!

I have been to The Other Partizan at Newark Showground today ~

As a result I have learned that I'm not as over the Lurgi as I thought I was. I think I spent a good half of my time in the show sitting talking with Kevin and others on the Iron Brigade's table! Or again, perhaps it's just age which has caught up with me...

Anyway, whatever the cause I didn't take as many pictures as I'd hoped.  I thought you might like to see them anyway, starting with the Iron Brigade's ACW game, small but beautifully presented. The size of game achievable on a home or club night ~

A couple of pictures now from the Boondock Sayntes game set in Africa for a change ~
I really like the stylized mountain as the backdrop for the Battle of the Five Armies game, simple but beautifully executed ~
Two pictures of exceptional.buildings on the SYW game by The Bodkins, lead by Dave Imrie on this occasion ~
Finally a small but lovely game set in Vietnam, a Malburian game if I recall correctly with lovely figures and understated terrain, and finally a beautiful Star Fort on an AWI game! ~
I did manage some shopping despite my overall dismal performance, so the loot now ~
Not overly inspiring is it? Bases from Warbases to restock; static grass; brass pikes & spears; tufts for William and some Foundry cavalry packs, Late Romans and Goths. I only bought those to beat their bare faced cheek in putting up prices, again, and for what are almost antique sculpts! Not often I'm riled by the cost of my hobby but this just touched a nerve. Despite everything I did enjoy my day out with Phil and Matthew! I met several friends and had a good chinwag with Matt Crump and Richard Tyndall one of the hardworking organisers. I have learned though that I shall have to go into training for shows in future I think!


  1. A grand day out and no mistake. The amount of quality games is really too much to take in these days. I did better than I thought with just being on the mend after the lurgy. It's made me more tired post show than usual or is it the amount of £s I spent making me light headed😂

  2. Thanks for the photos David and as one has come to expect, stunning games all round! The two Partizan's really are the pinnacle of the current shows, but as Phil has said above, almost too much to take in at times. Sorry to hear you're still not fully recovered, but at least you were able to enjoy the show. Any haul is good as far as I'm concerned, but these days given my lead mountain, I rarely come away with much, mainly books if truth be told.

  3. Thanks for the sneak peak, Maybe next year for me.
