David Bickley's Wargames Blog

The occasional ramblings of an average gamer, journeyman painter, indifferent modeller, games designer, sometime writer for Wargames Illustrated and host of games in GHQ.

Friday 20 September 2024

Le 3me Chasseurs à Pied

Following on from the first Line infantry regiment for the French part of the Crimean War project come the 3me Chasseurs à Pied. The figures are of course from Great War Miniatures, via North Star. I found a useful illustration as a source on the web, as you do ~
I used this chart, together with three re-enactment photos I also found, to guide my painting as I'm not inclined to pay the prices for the specialist publications such as Partizan Press offer for such a small project as this.
As the figures are in skirmish line poses I used only five or six figures on each of the three bases to convey the appearance of a unit skirmishing in advance of the main line. The bases are from Warbases, as ever. Some pictures giving a closer look now, for those of a strong constitution!
Usefully that arrangement has resulted in two officer figures left spare which can help to populate my Brigade and Higher Command bases in due course. Next started to complete the small French 1st Brigade are a unit of infantry, wearing kepi not shako, as the 26me Infanterie de Ligne. I would hope to have painted them by the end of September all things being equal. The small Guards Brigade of Chasseurs, Voltigeurs and Zouaves will have to be patient in the Lead Pimple awaiting their turn under the brush, the Autumn and Winter seasons are earmarked for Ancients - to match the painter you might say...👴🏻