David Bickley's Wargames Blog

The occasional ramblings of an average gamer, journeyman painter, indifferent modeller, games designer, sometime writer for Wargames Illustrated and host of games in GHQ.

Sunday 29 September 2024

Le 26me Infanterie de Ligne

Completing my small french Brigade are the 26me d'Infanterie de Ligne.They are figures from Great War Miniatures of course, sourced from North Star along with their flag. The bases are 80x50x3mm from Warbases as ever, with my basing texture mix from Woodlands Scenics Fine and Medium Buff Railway Ballast, washed with Artist's Acrylics Country Maple and vegetated with static grass and clumps from Great Escape Games. Perhaps I should start billing them all for the free advertising?😉
As with the Roosians I found getting on all the basics colours seemed to take much longer than for the British figures - kilted chappies excepted - but getting the highlights done seemed to take no time at all. It's probably an illusion caused by all the area to be covered with French Blue! Up
I'm expecting to host Dan from Wargames Illustrated early in next month for a photoshoot. He will take the usual humongous number of pictures in order to find about ten or so for the magazine to accompany a piece I've written. Oh, and perhaps a few more for the web page and Farcebook. Me? I'll be holding up the sky again! 

My final addition to this part of the Crimean War project deserves it's own mention: the two figures for the French Brigade's Command stand. 
As I've mentioned previously, Great War Miniatures did not make a Higher Command pack in this part of the range, an omission alongside artillery. I have sourced the figures for my Command base from Foundry's Maximilian Adventure and Old West ranges. A different style of figure, but they meet the need at present. Of course, if Dave and Aly should decide to expand the range along those lines then I'd be in! Finally, the French Infanterie de Ligne Brigade out on the table in GHQ ~


  1. Excellent work as always David and nice to see them en review:).

  2. Lovely addition to your French brigade, they look great and nice to see the review of the completed brigade, hope they do well when they get their chance on the table.
