David Bickley's Wargames Blog

The occasional ramblings of an average gamer, journeyman painter, indifferent modeller, games designer, sometime writer for Wargames Illustrated and host of games in GHQ.

Thursday 12 September 2024

Nothing as yet...

...from the Footsore Kickstarter featuring Matt's Vikings, though that's hardly surprising given the August communication revealing that 15,000 packs - yes, packs not figures - were being cast and bagged to meet the final order. Herculean efforts are being made daily it seems to meet the deadline, of which they seem confident. As a Kickstarter newbie part of me still thinks I'll believe these when they pop through the letter box? 

Anyway, as the sculptor's dad I had rather naively hoped to get my modest purchase early in the release, also given that I was backer #50something. Such delusions of grandeur! It seems things don't work that way at all. So, with no fresh figures to work on I returned to tinkering with the four resin test casts and combining them on a small base for using with my 1066 & All That project. I thought you might enjoy seeing how it turned out ~

On other projects: the rebased Late Romans have had their textured bases washed with Country Maple; four units of Foundry Late Romans I sourced from Colonel Bill's and Foundry have been cleaned up and assembled ready for spray undercoating on the next dry day! Whenever that might be!!!! Turns out that was this afternoon! Oh, and the first base of Chasseurs à Pied have been finished for the Crimean War collection, parts of which feature in the October issue of Wargames Illustrated I believe. It's been a busy few days here in GHQ!

Saturday 7 September 2024

Le 19th d'Infanterie de Ligne

The first of my small French contingent for the Crimean War project, the 19th d'Infanterie de Ligne, are completed! I found some useful references on the net including this nifty chart of uniforms in 1855 ~

These are the first regiment to muster in to GHQ out of the planned and purchased six regiments. These figures are from Great War Miniatures of course, with their Eagle from Front Rank/Gripping Beast, flag from the North Star range for the Crimean War and bases by Warbases as usual! 
The Great War Miniatures French range is sadly rather limited, having no Higher Command nor Artillery. The former I have sorted to my satisfaction, the latter not so as only Foundry seems to have suitable figures and canon in their range. 
I'm not planning to add any cavalry though  Perry Miniatures  have some decent Chasseur d'Afrique packs in their Franco-Prussian range and Foundry of course have the earlier Perry efforts in their ranges. So, never say never... 
In the meantime I've started on my second regiment for the Line Brigade, the 3me Chasseurs à Pied, also by Great War Miniatures but this time in skirmishing poses. The first two are finished now, but progress may slow as I'm also working on texturing the rebased Late Roman collection ready for colour washing and then grass 'n tufting.

Wednesday 4 September 2024

Handing on the Torch!

"Give me the boy until he is seven and I will show you the man!" A quotation usually attributed to St Ignatius Loyola, founder of the Jesuits, but more properly and certainly less sinister to Aristotle. I think I can show you what they meant in wargaming terms ~

Back in the time before his first birthday.
The Wild West was popular for a few months about the time he started school.
WWII though soon took over...
And before you could blink he was joining in with our wargaming.
Even venturing out with me to Phil's for games.
And all the while painting for himself. First 28mm Normans and Vikings, then 20mm WWII American infantry, lately 15mm WWII 1944 British and Germans, building and painting the vehicles on his own.
He's even been to WMMS with us a few times! Now he wants to go to more shows and buy more new toys! 
Our second grandson William turns 11 in November. I think the sequence of photos more than illustrated my opening remarks. Torch duly passed on I hope!