David Bickley's Wargames Blog

The occasional ramblings of an average gamer, journeyman painter, indifferent modeller, games designer, sometime writer for Wargames Illustrated and host of games in GHQ.

Sunday, 17 September 2023

"There are your guns!"

Amongst what feels like the seemingly endless Roosian Rifle battalion figures I've been painting for the last eon or three I've also been working on this figure from the Great War Miniatures set, 'Charge of the Light Brigade Characters' ~

Of course this ADC is Captain Nolan of the 15th Light Dragoons/Hussars galloping away with the infamous order which would launch the 'Gallant Six Hundred' of the Light Brigade into immortality. 

Finally, as I mentioned the Roosian Rifle battalion figures I ought to say that I've completed them and they will be along in due course for your approval. I've also started on Lord Raglan and staff figures to populate the British army command stand. More on them as and when they are finished. 

We are taking a bit of an early autumn break  then with a few days away 'Oop North' again near Carnforth. Hopefully that will see the creative batteries recharged ready for the next phase of the project ~

Starting with the Grenadier Guards who have reached the head of the queue on the painting desk. There's also a small matter of rebasing more of the Prodigal Foundry Collection, in this instance four more Roosian infantry battalions together with a couple of command stands ~

Rebasing, isn't it fun? Well it will be...when it's finished.


  1. What a coincidence, I was watching The Charge on YouTube the other night, god knows why, then Googled poor captain Nolan. Nice figure.

    1. A happy coincidence I trust as you like the figure.

  2. A very nice Nolan there Mr. B😉

  3. Very nice David…
    I don’t think it’s going end well for that Nolan fellow.

    All the best. Aly

    1. Piece of shrapnel through the chest I believe.

  4. A fine figure there David and lovely job on the gold lace:). Those Roosians are coming along nicely and although rebasing is no fun, at least it will be worth it in the end. Enjoy your break and return refreshed and recharged!

    1. Thank you SteveJ, as ever much appreciated.

  5. A superb Nolan,all ready to confuse his bosses.
    Great progress with the rebasing and undercoating

  6. Wonderful work on captain Nolan there Dave... all helping to bring it all to life. So much better when you have a few characters on the field to shoot at!
