David Bickley's Wargames Blog

The occasional ramblings of an average gamer, journeyman painter, indifferent modeller, games designer, sometime writer for Wargames Illustrated and host of games in GHQ.

Saturday 16 September 2023

Holding up the sky!

Again! Don't be alarmed though loyal readers, I've not developed Atlas delusions! I've merely been supporting a backboard which is sometimes used by Dan to blot out the unwanted background when taking pictures here in GHQ. He visited GHQ on Thursday to take photographs to accompany the latest piece I've had accepted for publication in an upcoming edition of Wargames Illustrated, where the theme will be Pulp Wargaming. I can't say too much about the piece or the issue involved, but here are a few pictures of aspects of the layout, taken just before 'the balloon went up' ~

Summer 1940, somewhere in sleepy Shropshire... Blandings Castle, ancestral home of Clarence, Earl Emsworth, his family and his prize porker, the 'Empress of Blandings'.
Scenes of rural idyll abound. Sheep may safely graze, or not. Boy Scouts must always be prepared, but for what we wonder?
About as busy as it gets in sleepy Market Blandings...until now that is.
Meanwhile, who can this distinguished guest be arriving with military escort at Blandings Castle?
It's almost 'Opening Time' at the Red Lion inn, but will it be 'Last Orders' for these gentlemen and other residents?
The greatest feat of flying for the Luftwaffe's ace pilot Otto von Bikkel sees the glider land exactly on target! {Matt made this glider model from scratch using card and air drying clay, along with another for the British paras, when he was 13. I've kept and treasured them for thirty years now so I hope you'll appreciate it too.}
Professor Braynstawme, the greatest scientific mind of the age, prepares to fire his D-Ray in an unexpected live test! Some visiting 'foreign Johnny' called Einstein looks on in awe!
What could these strange objects be? Giant mobile pepper pots perhaps? Or some dastardly Hun secret weapon? 
"Is it bird? Is it a plane?" they ask. "No, it's B.E.R.T. at Blandings!" Another of Professor Braynstawme's projects arriving in the nick of time to save the day...or not? 
All taking place under the scrutiny of that great British institution, the British Broadcasting Corporation and that nice Mr Dimblebury.
Even in the midst of the struggle for national survival in 1940 Winston can still find time to visit Blandings to witness Braynstawme's latest 'triumph'. Lord Emsworth and the family gather to welcome their distinguished guest as he inspects the local troop of Sea Scouts.

Meanwhile, it's stiff upper lip time for the staff of Blandings Castle as they face an unknown foe...

If any of this has wetted your appetite, and I do hope it has, don't forget to keep an eye out later in the November issue to see how the action unfolded ~
In the meantime, remember that "KBO!" is the Order of the Day, as Winston Churchill would undoubtedly have remarked to Braynestawm in the heat of the action!


  1. A splendid set up and morning diversion with the added bonus of being promoted to lights too.

    1. Sorry I forgot to mention your technician upgrade!

  2. Well my appetite is well and truly whetted David:)! So much to enjoy and to spark the old grey cells too. My Daleks were going to be used as some form of dastardly Hun secret weapon circa 1899, but now I can see them moving forward a few decades or more. I must admit I love the glider and see why you have kept hold of it all these years.

    1. Very glad you responded so positively SteveJ, the net has been very quiet of late so it makes the time spent worthwhile when responses are encouraging.

  3. A great looking table,so much going on.

    1. Thank you Andy. Over busy really, but suits the purpose of magazine photos.

  4. What fun David, love the glider but never had you for a Dalek fan !

  5. You must have a secret source for such a wonderful collection of figures.

    1. Bits acquired here, there and everywhere down the years since I retired. Be warned, you are just a beginner in the retirement stakes...😁

  6. Looks very good and quite creative Daxid!


    1. No doubt Dan's pictures will enhance my efforts. The camera may not lie, but it can exaggerate!

  7. Splendid…
    It’s nice to see you doing a bit of science fiction… Will there be Space Marines 🤣…

    Was that a pink helicopter in the second picture…Now these were words I never thought I would find myself typing 😂

    All the best. Aly

    1. Glad you liked it; but, no Space Fairies, sorry, Marines! The pink helicopter is definitely there in the picture, it's the Empress Mk III.

  8. You with Daleks Dave??? we await with baited breath to see what follows! A fine looking set up which conjures up all kinds of imaginary ideas! Look forward to finding out more...

  9. Absolutely love the glider... 👍
