David Bickley's Wargames Blog

The occasional ramblings of an average gamer, journeyman painter, indifferent modeller, games designer, sometime writer for Wargames Illustrated and host of games in GHQ.

Thursday 3 March 2022

A Bit of Nostalgia!

 And why not? Here are some of my favourite pictures from gaming here in GHQ down the years. I hope you enjoy seeing them once more! Or maybe you've not seen them before. Either way, enjoy!

As Cardinal Bicclione might say, never underestimate the power of prayer...
...nor it's morale effect on the troops!
A lone Japanese sniper lies in wait...for Foggy Dewhurst perhaps?
The bad followed by the quite mad?⁹
The colour and spectacle of the Italian Wars of the late C15th
Home Guard, LDV, VBCW? Whatever, it's suitably mad!
"Gawd, the heat, the flies!" The Jewel in the Crown! The Grand Trunk Road to Bhyklabad!
"The Guards Will Advance!" The SYW, perhaps the most colourful of all periods...
D Day, June 6th 1944. 
Up Country! My 20mm Vietnam collection found a new home...gone but not forgotten.
The ACW, the one true period, sees Ol' Useless S Bykleigh ordering an advance! 
The look of the game matters in my opinion. Of course enjoying the use of a dedicated gaming room means such ephemera can be readily utilized with no rush to clear away when the game is concluded. Well, I have enjoyed indulging myself looking over memories of games enjoyed in GHQ. I hope you did too...


  1. I did enjoy seeing these and you certainly have a superb range of figures, terrain and periods to fight over. A dedicated game room might happen once the kids fly the nest. One can but hope!

    1. Thanks SteveJ for such effusive endorsement! Much appreciated!

  2. Nice range of subjects. If I am allowed a favourite shot, it would be the Jewel in the Crown.

    1. Of course you are allowed a favourite Norm!

  3. Very nice David - I think my favourite would be number four - Steam Punk or whatever it is, it looks marvelous!

    1. Thank you rross! I quite like that one too!

  4. A wonderful collection indeed David.

  5. Some fond memories there old chap.

    1. Yes, I got quite maudlin looking through the albums.

  6. Nice to see David and echoing others you have a lovely range of collections and periods. As you well know I agree the look IS important. And I wouldn’t be without my gaming room now, in the unlikely event we move it would be top of the list for any new purchased accommodation , no gaming room then no go !

  7. Some splendid looking games there David…

    Your getting quite good at this 😁

    All the best. Aly

  8. Lovely David, its good to see another wargamer who ignored the Peter Young advice.

  9. Really enjoyed this reminder of 'pics gone by' (especially the Italian Wars pageantry). Phil

    1. Days Gone By, but they were fun at least.

  10. Superb pictures, and figures, David!
