David Bickley's Wargames Blog

The occasional ramblings of an average gamer, journeyman painter, indifferent modeller, games designer, sometime writer for Wargames Illustrated and host of games in GHQ.

Saturday 20 October 2018

The 8th Virginia Continentals join the ranks.

A second unit of Foundry figures, the 8th Virginia, to join their fellows of the 4th Virginia completed last month. Again I chose the blue faced blue uniforms for consistency if not necessity this time, as the figures I chose for them sport very little in the way of equipment. That leaves me with just three bases of Perry Miniatures 16th Light Dragoons, two of which will make up the regiment in question, leaving the third base to be painted to represent Loyalist Dragoons, an idea I filched from the blog Tarleton's Quarter - thanks Giles! Leaving those aside for now, here are the boys in question, the 8th Virginia Continental Infantry, flags again by Clarence Harrison ~

In addition to these Phil has been painting more guns and crew for me, by Perry Miniatures this time. In this case a Butterfly 3ld gun for the Queen's Rangers ~

Such has been the boost painting and receiving new troops for our AWI games that I have ordered some additional figures from Foundry ~ two units of Rebel infantry and one of Rebel Dragoons. Mind you, posted on Friday week and still not delivered here! I was toying with the idea of starting something new, but, at least for now, the madness past...


  1. Superb, impressive flags and handsome unit!

    1. Thanks Phil, though I can’t take any credit for the flags.

  2. Lovely toys David...
    Those simple uniforms make for a very attractive unit in my humble opinion.

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thanks Aly, I’m really chuffed by your comments.

  3. Very nice. I am wondering whether to have my cavalry in eight or twelve man units any advice? Oh, and my BP2 book was forgotten, I now have it.

    1. Thanks George and glad your copy of BP2 arrived at last, more than my Foundry figures have done! As to units HofW says 8 but in BP Ihave 12,10 and 8 so it’s pretty flexible anyway - some 12 figure units only have 11 figures anyway, don’t ask, long tale, mostly of tight fisted ness on my part!

  4. Nice figures and characterful flags,start a new project? Surely not!
    Best Iain

    1. I am still tempted in my quiet moments, a bit like St Augustine ~ Lord, give me Continence, but not yet!

  5. Replies
    1. Thanks Christopher, I’m pleased by how they came out.

  6. They'll do nicely, will they be ready for some fighting Monday?

    1. I shall try to oblige, but promise nothing.

  7. A nice addition to the collection 🙂

  8. Thanks Matt! How's the jet lag?
