David Bickley's Wargames Blog

The occasional ramblings of an average gamer, journeyman painter, indifferent modeller, games designer, sometime writer for Wargames Illustrated and host of games in GHQ.

Wednesday 10 October 2018

Palazzo Progress Report #4

Sue has gone away with her sister Ann for a very well deserved break on the Jurassic Coast, leaving me free to potter on with my Palazzo project for our Italian Wars project. The first stage after the base coat of Crafters Acrylic 'Golden Brown' is to dry brush the whole building with Crafters Acrylic ‘Fawn’, which when it’s thoroughly dry can then in turn be dry brushed more sparingly with ‘Antique White’. I’ve taken pictures of those three stages for you to see how it progresses ~
Base coat of Glden Brown for the walls & Madder Red for
the roof tiles.

A heavy dry brush of Crafters Acrylic Fawn is the second coat.
The third stage is a lighter dry brush of Antique White. 

I want the plinth of the classical bronze statue to pop a bit, so I omitted the bases brown colour used on the buildings and painted the first coat Fawn. It was then painted with Foundry Paints ‘Boneyard Light’ and the statue painted with the same company’s Bronze Triad.
The next stage of the project will be to wash all the walls with Games Workshop ‘Seraphim Brown’ before a final drybrush of the walls with Crown Emulsion ‘Limewashed Wall’. When all that is done, the pantile roofs can be tackled next! After that the ornate windows of the tower and the doors, windows and shutters. When all that is done the component buildings can be fixed to the 3mm MDF base and the texture can be added for groundwork. Bit of a way to go yet...


  1. Fabulous. You have inspired me to do something similar for N Italy in the French Revolutionary Wars

    1. I am pleased to have been of some service then.

  2. Going to be lovely piece on the table.

    1. You omitted the ‘eventually’ I believe!

  3. Meant to ask. How big is it's footprint on the table?

    1. 360 x 300mm is base size. It is a tight fit left to right, so could probably be 400 x 300 if I was to do another.

  4. Just feckin' awesome - I want one!

    1. So do I, but it is a big effort and is taking up figure painting time!

  5. Coming along a treat, it looks even better in the mortar.

    1. Thanks Phil, I may get to do the wash on Friday now.

  6. Looks great already! Im interested to see how you tackle the tiled roof!
    Best Iain

    1. The roof is the easy bit. Heavy dry brush with Foundry Orange Shade, lighter dry brush with same firms Orange Mid. That’s all folks!

  7. That's coming along nicely David...

    All the best Aly

    1. Thanks Aly, your encouragement is appreciated. Lots to do still, but I’m getting there albeit slowly...

  8. Thanks for the 3 stage photos it helps to see how you've done it, I'm interested to see the pantiles as well.
    Looking good so far.

    1. Thanks for the feedback, I’ll try to remember to take the pictures.
