David Bickley's Wargames Blog

The occasional ramblings of an average gamer, journeyman painter, indifferent modeller, games designer, sometime writer for Wargames Illustrated and host of games in GHQ.

Thursday 4 July 2024

Cossack Scouts and others

As I had previously mentioned on the blog amongst my purchase of pre-release figures from Eureka Miniatures in Australia for my Crimean War project were six Cossack Scouts on foot, one of each of the poses I believe. I thought that they would make useful bases of skirmishing infantry for my Roosians so I have based them up on 50mm round bases, two figures to a base. 
I have no print sources for their dress but research on t'internet had supplied me with several illustrations of Cossacks of the period. In the end the very small areas of their uniform coats and trousers on view I chose to paint dark blue {Foundry Prussian Blue shade and mid tone} while the greatcoats I painted in a beige-brown shade {Foundry British Uniform mid tone and light}. Two of these are modelled with rather nice hooded coats which vary the look nicely. Belts and such were painted Leather, bags and such either Drab or Rawhide {Foundry shade and mid tone in all cases}. When it came to grass 'n tufting their bases I went for a wilder look, well they are scouting after all. Enough waffling on, here they are, make up your own mind ~
While I was rummaging through the Lead Pimple I found two Great War Miniatures Roosian casualties, so ever the cheapskate I've painted them up as another frippery, or an objective marker even ~
There do remain in the Lead Pimple some Foundry Cossacks, but they need a spray undercoat and I haven't got around to it, yet... You could probably blame the 'great British summer' for that! Hopefully they will appear alongside the French over the winter. Mind, they need to be spray undercoated too...


  1. What a great set of counters you have made!

    1. Counters? Someone tiddled your wink perhaps?😉 Thanks for the encouragement, appreciated of course!

  2. Grand additions looking very dapper and wily.

    1. Dapper and wily? Good combo, but can they fight?

  3. Fine and unusual Cossack additions. Do you use skirmishers in your rules?

    1. Black Powder rather assumes skirmishers, or at least we think it did. I just enjoy painting off stuff to break the tedium!

  4. Nicely done, that pimple never seems to decrease.

  5. Very nice work on some great figures, those Eureka cossacks are very nice indeed, the figure pointing is particularly good. The casualty base is rather good as well!

    1. Glad to have your ringing endorsement Donnie!

  6. Lovely work David…I thought I had commented on this earlier today , but anyway lovely 👍

    1. Thank you Matt. Two endorsements better than one. I'll check Spam to see if you are lurking...

  7. Another useful and interesting addition. I like the fact that the figures are carrying different designs of muskets - it adds to the Irregular look.

    1. Thanks Stephen, good point on the musket variety too.

  8. Great work on those Cossack bases David and the Roosian casualty base is very well done too:).

    1. Thanks very much SteveJ, much appreciated.

  9. Excellent and interesting pieces, fantastic basing,as always.

    1. Thanks Andy, another satisfied reader!
