David Bickley's Wargames Blog

The occasional ramblings of an average gamer, journeyman painter, indifferent modeller, games designer, sometime writer for Wargames Illustrated and host of games in GHQ.

Thursday 25 July 2024

Best foot forward!

Continuing the theme of random items from the Lead Pimple having their moment under the brush here is a base of Light Artillery for the Borgias of Cesare and his father Pope Alexander VI ~

The gun and three crew figures are from the venerable Front Rank range of late medieval figures, now of course owned by Gripping Beast down in Evesham. I ordered the set for collection at Partizan back in May, so they've hardly had any time in the Lead Pimple at all!

Underway next though are a base of Late Roman Clibanarii from Foundry's vintage range. A test resin/plastic Footsore Viking is also on the painting desk, so keep an eye out for Olaf there. Next week's game here in GHQ will continue the Asian theme, shuffling across to Burma and forward in time to 1943.

In the meantime my copy of Hail Caesar - The Punic Wars Rulebook arrived on Wednesday morning. It included a free sprue...of 28mm WWII Germans! On a scale of 1-10 for 'Stupid' I'd have to give Warlord Games a 9.5 for that choice of sprue! An Epic sprue would have been nice, as I've already acquired seven from friends and relatives towards a small game for my grandson William who at 10 is a keen wargamer and visitor to GHQ.


  1. Neat artillery and crew there. WG assumed they already have you on the hook with Epic so are dangling another carrot😁

    1. You know where they can stick their carrot too!

  2. Lovely work on that artillery piece David and I do like these early designs, which just appeal to me. I didn't realise they were doing a whole rulebook for the new range and the free sprue just beggar's belief!

    1. Pleased you liked the artillery piece SteveJ. The book is 50% rules, 50% lists and scenarios. Steep at £22 plus P&P, but that's their heritage in the Great Satan!

  3. Very nice work on the gun and crew, looks great.

  4. Nice looking figures David and a new rule book to boot 👍

    1. Thanks Matt, though the new rule book is also 50% lists and scenarios which is what I bought it for.

  5. A very nice piece indeed there Dave, and so quickly through the painting queue! I have some Front Rank figures that have been waiting literally years! I guess the urge to buy stuff, that we're not really ready to paint, and then gets shelved, comes from the good old days when we used to have to "stock up" at shows!
    Nice to see you're getting a foot of things at last! 😉

    1. I think that assessment is spot on for those of us of an age.

  6. Excellent piece of Italian "Heavy Metal",great basing and composition,as always.

    1. Thank you for that glowing endorsement Andy!

  7. A nice looking gun and crew David… I do like Front Rank Figures.
    I must admit that WW2 Germans are not the first thing that comes to mind when looking at a Hail Caesar rule book…
    At least it wasn’t a frame of Space Pixies 🤣.

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thanks Aly! I would have preferred space gnomes or fairies - for the grandchildren you understand.
