David Bickley's Wargames Blog

The occasional ramblings of an average gamer, journeyman painter, indifferent modeller, games designer, sometime writer for Wargames Illustrated and host of games in GHQ.

Sunday 3 March 2024

'Ommer'ead 2024

Phil and I popped over to Newark Showground on Saturday to visit Hammerhead wargames show. Although in the same venue as both Partizan shows it's an event of a different species organised by a different group of folk. If you go hoping for inspiration from outstanding games I think you'd largely come away disappointed. I certainly did, but you need to remember the ethos for the show/games is firmly on participation, on having a go. With that in mind the show is busy, noisy and clearly full of folk enjoying their hobby. That's not to imply that the games are of a poor standard, just that for me they were not the spectaculars of Partizan. There is a large trade presence too, so even if joining in isn't your forte there's a good reason to go if you can. 

Like all shows there is also the chance to meet and chat with friends in our wonderful hobby. While I'm on that theme I had the chance to speak to Dan at Wargames Illustrated about my next contributions, so business combined with pleasure. I picked up the new Flashman from him too, an advance on a Quick Fire piece I did last year which is still to appear in print. Other friends I had the opportunity to meet and chat with included Colin Ashton, Aly Morrison and Colin Rumford. I also bumped into Paul and Jon, two of our GHQ Irregulars who I'm sure you'll have read about on this blog.

As I mentioned the expansive and varied trade presence I best end with the obligatory 'Loot' feature ~

A very useful Show programme. Well done to those responsible!
A Cossack small cart from Perry Miniatures and some Mexicans from Wargames Foundry who will morph into a Crimean War French command group.
Flashman! A Wargames Illustrated 'Giant in Miniature '.
My brushes of choice from ABC Brushes, three for £5.00. Highly recommended by yours truly.
Brass spears/pikes/flag staffs from Pendraken.
Tufts from Gamers' Grass via Great Escape Games who offer 6 for 5 deals at shows.
MDF 3mm bases from Warbases, who else.
Eastern European House #1 from Warbases, destined for the Crimean War in due course.
Finally from The Last Valley, my terrain supplier of choice, some water features: a river/stream conjunction, a small stream curve, and a simple plank bridge over a stream.
All in all a good day out capped off with dinner together with Sue, Phil and Di on our way home.


  1. A grand day out and plenty of swag to boot. You may not have been inspired but I dug out a couple of WWI Germans I started last year, one is a conversion of a Renegade figure with Milliput swallows nests and an odd bugle I had lying around to make a musician and ordered Great War Miniatures British dismounted cavalry to go with the mounted ones you gifted me for Christmas a few years agoπŸ™‚

    1. Worryingly I have no recollection of those at allπŸ‘΄πŸ»

  2. A thoroughly enjoyable show and a pleasure to chat with you…
    It is indeed all about the games and the engagement with something new and different… which can only be a good thing…
    As you know I was completely uninspired to buy anything at all… πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£

    All the best. Aly

    1. I suspect the last point is not quite truthful you know...Your several bags gave you away to a keen observer.

  3. Sounds like you had a good catch up. That river junction looks nice, not seen that before.

  4. Grand stuff David some useful purchases

  5. A good haul of loot, I like the river sections, very useful. Always good to chat to friends as well, sounds like a day well spent.

  6. Participation games aren't really my thing, but a great way to try new rules, periods etc and also to introduce younger people to the hobby. Always good to catch up with friends, do some shopping too. Oh and I'm a complete convert to those ABC brushes!

    1. I am pleased to agree with you there SteveJ.

  7. It was indeed a grand day, with no shortage of traders to browse and excercise the wallet! Nice meeting up and chatting, as you say.... all be it far too briefly! I have to say, since you converted me to ABC brushes, I've used nothing else! The games were average I thought, with one or two outstanding exceptions regarding terrain. Nice also to see so many youngsters getting involved, althogh, as we advance through our years, that tends to mean most of the punters I suppose!

  8. That last phrase made me laugh out loud. You are mostly all youngsters from my point of view...πŸ‘΄πŸ»
