David Bickley's Wargames Blog

The occasional ramblings of an average gamer, journeyman painter, indifferent modeller, games designer, sometime writer for Wargames Illustrated and host of games in GHQ.

Thursday 8 February 2024

A Progress Report

Nothing finished to show yet I'm sorry to say, a brief health hiatus has hampered progress over the last couple of days although I did manage a draw in a recent WWI game at Phil's. I'm not up to painting anything at present, though I did manage to varnish and base the ones I finished on Monday and get it textured. That's two bases of the second Roosian Jaegers battalion done now. The last nine are fixed to MDF hexes ready for their turn under the brush. All being well 🤞 I hope they will be completed by the end of the weekend.

I thought I'd take stock of what is remaining now for the Crimean War project. I have a third Roosian Jaeger battalion cleaned up and spray undercoated and a further battalion still ensconced in the depths of the Lead Pimple along with a battalion of British infantry in a mix of coatees and greatcoats. I had intended the latter for the 71st Highland Light Infantry but stupidly ordered the wrong flags from North Star!👴🏻 Old Age strikes again it seems! 

Sitting all ready for their turn in the painting queue, and glaring almost malevolently at me it seems, are three British infantry battalions, a battery of British 9lb guns, a battery of 12lb Roosian guns, two Roosian command stands each of two mounted figures, six Great War Miniatures Roosian Dragoons, several bases of skirmishers for the British and the Historicon freebie 'Into the Valley of Death' gifted me by Matt Crump. As you can see, not all of these can be fitted into the 'nearly their turn' queue atop my paint drawers! It almost as if any project seems grow almost on its own I think... It looks to me that any chance of finishing all these before summer is pretty remote. Oh well...

Next game on the table in GHQ should be an ACW tussle with Phil, if he's dug himself out of the snow by then that is.


  1. Progressing splendidly given all the curve balls life throws at one.

    1. Thanks Phil! Still falling short of my two figures a day target though...

  2. Great progress so far, glad you are on the mend. I am not a ‘natural’ painter, so have found that before I complete a unit, I have to make sure that another is primed and ready to go, otherwise my loss of painting momentum is guaranteed!

    1. I like to see what is Infront of me, it encourages me to keep going when I might otherwise not bother.

  3. It looks to me like things are still moving along steadily David… You are allowed to slow down a bit when life and the world throws a sharp corner in front of you.
    All the best. Aly

    1. Thanks for the kind advice Aly. Part of me is fearful that if I stop I may not want to pick up a brush again.

  4. All progress is good progress IMHO, even if it doesn't actually involve any painting. Keeping some momentum going is good for sure. Fingers crossed you're feeling OK now as we've been hit by the Covid bug these past two weeks.

    1. Sorry to hear you have had the plague SteveJ. Hope you are all ok now.

  5. Sorry to hear you're unwell. It's good you're still making progress with the Crimean War project.
    Looking forward to seeing how the ACW game goes.

    1. Thanks Andy. I finished five Roosian Jaegers today and started 5 more. They will complete the second battalion.

  6. A stirling example of British determination and "staying power" each small step taken is a step closer to the end of the journey. Any thoughts on the next project? 😅

    1. I have picked up the pace since I wrote this blog! Next project? Space Gnomes and Fairies? 😄

    2. You think I'm joking?😉
