David Bickley's Wargames Blog

The occasional ramblings of an average gamer, journeyman painter, indifferent modeller, games designer, sometime writer for Wargames Illustrated and host of games in GHQ.

Saturday 9 December 2023

An Early Christmas present or two.

I have treated myself to a couple of books as an early Christmas present, I felt I had to use my Winter Fuel payment wisely. After all, what warms the body and soul more than new toys and such for our wonderful hobby? Thank You, Dr Hunt ~ double checked my spolling there, just in case๐Ÿ˜‰

Firstly, the Wargamers' Annual 2024 to keep my set at full strength. Usually a good read and full of interesting and useful pictures and illustrations. I'm confident this one will be much the same!

Now, as you must have noticed, we have been experimenting with Soldiers of Napoleon as a rule set. I have ideas for adapting it for both the Crimean War and for the Wars of the French Revolution games so I thought it might be an idea to acquire the Helion book on wargaming the latter period.

I've not bought any of the previous Helion publications, if I'm truthful I've been detered by the prices - it's up there with Partizan Press and the Grand Maner resin buildings for the 'make up a price and double it' award in my view! It's a weighty tome, very text heavy and illustration light, but I'm hoping it will prove a useful addition to my small selection of period publications. Time will tell I hope. In my defence I paid £22 for it post free from Amazon, nearly half of what it would have set me back from Helion. I suspect that it illustrated one aspect of the rip off which often infests the hobby, and other aspects of life too!

On other more positive hobby territory I am well on with the final four Roosian infantry figures to complete the 4th battalion of my Great War Miniatures regiment. It's been a slow  process as I've had to avoid lengthy periods of sitting at the painting desk here in GHQ, but they are nearly there now.


  1. Nice looking tomes there, £22 less than a decent dinner and drink out and it will stick around a lot longer too๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Great point, Keith! And, David avoids the extortionist postage charge that you and I face.

    2. You are right of course, but I reserve the right to moan about prices!๐Ÿ‘ด๐Ÿป

    3. Keith? You have me there. On postage though it breaks both ways and has stopped me adding Brigade Games' figures to my Lead Pimple.

    4. Moaning about prices is the preogrative of old men๐Ÿ™‚

    5. Should have added Wargamers too.

  2. Early Xmas presents in the form of books is always a nice treat as I know from treating myself too:). The Helion books are pricey (why not just go straight to softback?) and so much cheaper elsewhere than buying direct. The same is true at shows, where you can go to other traders and see big discounts compared to the prices they charge! Good to see you are able to get some painting in too:).

    1. I am not strapped for readies, but even so Helion prices are beyond the pale!

  3. Always nice to get some early gifts!


  4. It's always a good idea to treat oneself every now and then.
    Looking forward to seeing the Russian Regiment displayed in all its glory

    1. I agree Andy. The Roosians are almost done, so keep an eye out in the next day or two.

  5. Excellent Xmas gifts…
    You clearly deserve them ๐Ÿ˜
    I’ve thoroughly enjoyed reading Throwing Thunderbolts…
    Hopefully you will as well.

    All the best. Aly

  6. Thank you Aly! As to TT, I'm having to work out in order to hold the damn thing. Give me an Osprey any day!

    1. Thanks for buying my book, if you have any questions just shout. I could talk for a long time about the cost of publishing but now is not the time. Sorry about the weight but to summarise the whole war, all of the protagonists and 10 scenarios did take a few pages. All the best and thanks again.

    2. Hi Garry! Nice to hear from you! I dip in and out of the book periodically and have enjoyed it so far! Hope it sold/is selling well.

  7. Good choices Dave, and absolutely nothing wrong with saving a buck or two where possible! All goes towards enhancing the overall gaming experience!
