David Bickley's Wargames Blog

The occasional ramblings of an average gamer, journeyman painter, indifferent modeller, games designer, sometime writer for Wargames Illustrated and host of games in GHQ.

Monday, 30 December 2019

Canadian Sedentary Militia for 1812-15

The last addition to my War of 1812-15 expansion project, completed right at the end of 2019, comes in the form of a unit of Knuckleduster figures painted to represent the Canadian Sedentary Militias. These were often no more than Company sized formations which when called into action were grouped into what were called Brigades, really regiment sized units. For that reason I've finished them in various facing colours and coat colours too, with the odd individual picked out in different coloured trousers ~

Knuckleduster figures have lots of life and character, details well sculpted for we older types to see easily, and are very reminiscent for me at least with the old Hinchliffe Napoleonics which I began wargaming with back in 1973! On the down side some of the detailed sculpting is a bit variable, notably odd hands on some and oversized belts on others, but I can live with that. After all, on the table in a game they will look fine and that really is all that matters! They are available in the UK from Caliver Books whose service I couldn't fault.
Did they carry colours into action? Well mine will, from Flags of War of course. Did they boast Grenadier and Light Companies? Well, mine do; although the officers and sergeants for such are missing from the offerings, but they are Militia after all so I pressed centre company types into service.  Here are the usual close up pictures to encourage my fellow journeyman painters ~

I've one more unit of Foundry US Infantry to paint and then the three Brigade Games units which came before Christmas. I've decided to leave them aside for the moment and have a refreshing break over January. To that end I've started a band for my VBCW Hilton Main Miners' Collective, by Tsuba Miniatures via Empress Miniatures and the complimentary Warlord F&IW native American character figure. I've also lined up the Grenadiers von Rall for my AWI project, some nice Front Rank figures and a second pair of mounted commanders by the same. If I manage all of that I've some Eureka Austrian Grenze infantry for the FRW collection and even a couple of French Battalion guns and crew! We shall have to see where the muse takes us...


  1. Nice work ....and sounds like a lot of figures..units in the queue a busy start to the year 👍

    1. Thanks Matt! I try to fill the empty, meaningless void of existence as best I can😉

  2. Another nice unit and as you say, once on the table, the little differences disappear.

    1. Thanks SteveJ, I'm sure they will fit right in!

  3. They looked quite splendid decked out in the myriad of finery.

  4. Replies
    1. Many thanks for your ongoing support George!

  5. Nice looking varied unit! I haven't come across this manufacturer before but they seem very characterful!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain, I enjoy seeing them now they are finished!

  6. Good to see you're keeping busy. They look splendid. Looking forward to next week's bash.

    1. I do my best to keep busy, it takes my mind off the inevitable...😉

  7. I expected a sedentary Militia to be relaxing in armchairs..... Just saying!

  8. Another lovely looking unit David...
    And of course they should carry colours... probably made by the local quilting bee.
    Those Knuckleduster figures scrub up rather well.

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thanks Aly, but will they fight I wonder?

  9. More militia David? I look forward to the account of their demise when facing regulars.Lovely unit by the way.

  10. Glad you like them Robbie. As to fighting, you must ask Phil.
