David Bickley's Wargames Blog

The occasional ramblings of an average gamer, journeyman painter, indifferent modeller, games designer, sometime writer for Wargames Illustrated and host of games in GHQ.

Friday 19 July 2019


As the more interested amongst my loyal followers will recall, I've been busy over the past few months painting up additional units for games well established here in GHQ: namely, the SYW, the AWI and latterly the War of 1812-15. Most recently I've been working on an additional base of figures for each of my Hessian Regiments in the AWI collection. They are comprised of the venerable Front Rank figures I acquired when Salute was still held in Kensington Town Hall! Looking closely at the 'style' I painted the originals in, perhaps over 25 years ago, I decided I couldn't replicate their look. Not only do I have a completely different look to my figures now, but I use different paints to achieve this. I decided to go ahead and paint them as I do now, trusting that the figures and bases being homogeneous would fool the eye at on table and in game distance! To further fool the eye I chose to make the additional base Grenadiers, giving the option of a combined Regiment in some games ~ remember in our games 3-4 bases are a Standard sized unit ~

Anyway, here they are for your perusal, though not aligned with their older fellows who are safely stored away in the depths of GHQ at present ~

I have an additional unit of Grenadiers still to paint for this project, but their moment at the head of the queue has not yet come. Two War of 1812-15 ADCs are next in line...


  1. Lovely Hessians David, nice and impressive work!

    1. Many thanks for your encouragement Phil.

  2. Lovely looking Hessians! I'm pretty sure if the basing matches they'll all look fine!
    Best Iain

    1. I'm hoping you are both right, though it will be a while before another AWI game here in GHQ.

  3. Nice work. I agree that as long as the basing boradly matches, I bet you won't notice any differences once on the table.

    1. Well, I'm hoping that is the case of course.

  4. More German mercenaries to swell royal ranks, can't be bad. I am sure they will meld seamlessly.

    1. Thanks Phil, I hope you are right. They look ok to me...

  5. Those are some fine looking troops David!

