David Bickley's Wargames Blog

The occasional ramblings of an average gamer, journeyman painter, indifferent modeller, games designer, sometime writer for Wargames Illustrated and host of games in GHQ.

Monday, 24 March 2025

Mounted Viking Raiders

When I was deliberating the extent of my involvement as a backer for Matt Bickley's Footsore Vikings I carefully chose the option which I felt would most readily fit in to my 1066 & All That collection. As I've been painting my way through the figures I've become reassured that I made the correct choice. I did though add two packs of mounted Vikings to my core selection, I confess because my sole base of mounted Saxon Thanes had just been trounced by the Normans! Now, did C11th Vikings fight as mounted Heavy Cavalry? Or did they fight as Light Cavalry, or as mobile Mounted Infantry or just as Raiders?  Can't say honestly that I know, nor will I be spending time trying to find out. I follow Dave Andrews' stock reply, I wasn't there so I can't know! Just humour me on this please, here are the latest  'toys in a game' ~

As usual the base is 3mm MDF from Warbases. The banner is once again a free download from Wargames Foundry, reduced to about 75% if I recall accurately. That's it then for the present. My Kickstarter purchase is all ready now for gaming in their turn. I have a similar number of Matt's Footsore Welsh, but won't be tackling them yet a while. Next up are some Wargames Foundry Saxons/Franks (masquerading as Goths) for my Late Roman collection. At least I've already punched out their shield transfers!!!!! 


  1. Gosh, those are rather splendid David, both the painting, the sculpting and the shield designs. However they fought and frankly we will probably never know, they need to grace the wargames table quite often:)!

    1. Many thanks SteveJ for such brisk and effusive support! Would many more folk took a leaf from your book.

  2. Splendid work again Mr. B. Did they, didn't they, who cares they did here!

    1. Thanks Phil! I can always count on your support! As you say, who cares really?

  3. Wonderful work - both the painting and the basing.

    1. Thank you for your ringing endorsement, much appreciated.

  4. Lovely looking miniature and very nicely painted and based, they look great. Nice to see some mounted Vikings, not a figure you ever see much off.

    1. Thank you Donnie, your support and encouragement very welcomed!

  5. These look really good and you have finished the figures you got in the kickstarter before I've finished my first! I like the mounted figures but wish there was more variety in the horses. Have any of your readers found a good match for these riders?
    The foundry Franks are very nice and are my main opposition to my Late Romans. They've been in a lot of Dux Brit. games, some Midgard, and probably other rules too.

    1. Thanks Stephen. All my four horses are different, so I'm good with that. I don't know of any other mounted Vikings, but Matt did make some mounted Saxons I believe for Footsore which might do.

  6. I've never used Vikings mounted as they probably only used them for raiding, but then again didn't some of them at some point switch to become what we now call the Normans....so based on that you can do whatever you feel like David and feel completely justified.:-)
    Oh they look great btw!


    1. Indeed Christopher, my toys, my game. Glad you liked them by the by.

  7. These make a very nice addition in my view, as commented above, you don't tend to see many. Lovely work once again, very well presented. I like the horse tones... a great balance! Top notch work!

  8. You have certainly got through your Vikings at a fair old pace David…
    They all look splendid…
    Will the fight though ?
    Will the dice gods be kind?
    I look forward to finding out.

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thanks Aly, glad to know you liked them. Not sure when they will debut though, end of next month, possibly...
