David Bickley's Wargames Blog

The occasional ramblings of an average gamer, journeyman painter, indifferent modeller, games designer, sometime writer for Wargames Illustrated and host of games in GHQ.

Friday, 21 March 2025

Bondi with Bows

Having finished off the basing of the Viking Hirdmen from my Kickstarter I pressed on briskly with the next element for the project, eight Bondi with bows. I have largely chosen muted colours for these, reflecting I hope their lower status in the hierarchy of Viking society. They are based in fours on 60x50mm bases rather than the single 120x60mm base I used for the Hirdmen. In this way they can be fielded as a support base for the Hirdmen, as a distinct unit (by abutting the two bases), or as skirmishing infantry using the two bases spread out (or even mixed with the other skirmish bases). The bases are from Warbases as usual treated in my usual manner to harmonise with the 1066 & All That collection. Anyway, no more waffle, here they are ~

All that remains now are four mounted Viking Hirdmen and I will have completed painting the figures from my Kickstarter Vikings purchase. More on those, and the project in general, in due course I would hope. Speaking of which, those elements completed to date ~

Meanwhile my thoughts turn to two scheduled games here in GHQ before the end of the month and WMMS (on 30th March at Aldersley Leisure Village, Wolverhampton 10.00-4.00pm).


  1. Some fine work on Matt's wonderfully animated figures there based up to show them off a treat.

    1. Many thanks Phil, as always much appreciated.

  2. Another nicely presented unit. Does the basing with its mix of earth, grass and rocks blend into your tabletop or stand out from it? I'm interested in the rationale of how troops are based. Thanks.
    As always I like to see Dark Age figures both the painting and the gaming.

    1. The bases kind of blend in while standing out is what if say if pushed. If you look at in game pictures I'd hope you'd see what I'm getting at.

  3. Very nice. Which one is US Attorney General?

    1. Thanks, but no idea what you are on about, don't bother with news any more too depressing!

  4. Excellent work there David and hope you have a good trip to WMMS:)!

  5. Another cracking looking unit, great miniatures and you have painted and based them very nicely indeed.

    1. Thank you for such a positive endorsement Donnie!
