David Bickley's Wargames Blog

The occasional ramblings of an average gamer, journeyman painter, indifferent modeller, games designer, sometime writer for Wargames Illustrated and host of games in GHQ.

Tuesday, 4 March 2025

Les Garde ont fini...

... et moi aussi, or so it feels! It seems that I slowed down somewhat as February marched on, at least that's how it seems from my side of the painting desk. 
But now the Chasseurs de la Garde have finally advanced across the painting desk, endured my modest efforts with the brush, and mustered into GHQ joining their fellows in a Brigade. 
This brings the French contingent of my Crimean War project to a conclusion, at least for now. It comprises a Line Brigade of three battalions with a command stand, a Garde Brigade of three battalions with a command stand, and an overall army command stand. Here are the Chasseurs de la Garde ~
The figures are from Great War Miniatures of course via North Star, as is their standard, while the base is from the ever dependable Warbases. The command pack does not include a figure to carry the standard and eagle but it was easy enough to adapt one of the officers into the role via a small act of surgery with knife and file on one hand.
Painting the yellow trim on the uniform jackets is difficult for me if applying the yellow ochre colour after the French Blue of the jackets. A good while ago I realised it's easier to paint the trim yellow ochre first and paint the coat French Blue afterwards. It works for me, though there is one figure where I forgot that rule, and to me it stands out! 
Finally then, here is the whole Brigade of my Garde Impériale commanded by Général De Rumforde under the ever watchful eye of Maréchal De France, Alphonse De Morrisoné ~

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