David Bickley's Wargames Blog

The occasional ramblings of an average gamer, journeyman painter, indifferent modeller, games designer, sometime writer for Wargames Illustrated and host of games in GHQ.

Thursday 30 May 2024

The 3rd Dragoons

Six Roosian cavalry figures gifted me last year by 'Ashton Sahib' have now made it across the painting desk, survived my journeyman painting skills, and mustered into GHQ as the 3rd Dragoons, Grand Duke Michael Nicolaevich's regiment. The Great War Miniatures rank and file figures are cast with the horse and rider in one piece, with a separate right arm to attach to your taste. There are no plans in place at present to add another six figures, but you never know...

These Great War Miniatures are substantially stouter than my Wargames Foundry figures, as I'm sure you don't need me to underline, so with three figures on each 60x50mm base they look rather more cramped up, but it gives them the same frontage to the Wargames Foundry Dragoons and so doesn't really compromise the look of the game. The bases as ever are from Warbases, my go to MDF supplier. Sadly I don't have a cavalry standard to attach as yet, but no doubt I'll get around to getting that sorted in due course...

Next under the brush here are two Great War Miniatures British mounted generals/officers as it seemed to be a bit light on command bases when all of the collection was out on the tabletop battlefield recently.


  1. Nicely done David imposing figures 👍

  2. Oh go on, you know you want 6more really! Look great all the same. Looking forward to the French.

    1. Many thanks Andrew, and bienvenue à GHQ!

  3. A lovely set of Dragoons David!


  4. Well they look better than journeyman to me David!

    1. Most kind SteveJ, but I know my limitations.

  5. A lovely unit of dragoons, they have turned out really very nice indeed. Good looking miniatures.

  6. Replies
    1. I try, Ray, but it's a struggle some days now.

  7. Excellent painting,a very simple uniform very well presented.

  8. Nicely done David…

    All the best. Aly

  9. They look fine to me Dave, very impressive and nicely based. If that's journeyman painting, then keep it up! Excellent work sir! 60mm with three figs looks just right to me.

    1. Many thanks Paul! Encouragement always welcome!

  10. (another 6 would look even better!)

    1. True, but as I said, no plans as yet!
