David Bickley's Wargames Blog

The occasional ramblings of an average gamer, journeyman painter, indifferent modeller, games designer, sometime writer for Wargames Illustrated and host of games in GHQ.

Sunday, 5 April 2020

Carl and Rose

In between working on my two building upscaling projects for North American settings here in GHQ I had these two Partizan freebie figures on my desk too. I could apply the odd splash of paint as I waited for glue to dry I found. I must say though that as sculpts go they are more than a tad uninspiring, very flat in pose, lacking movement and action, but they will do to add to my VBCW collection ~
After these I'm unsure what to tackle next from the Lead Pimple, I suppose I must wait and see how the mood takes me. I can choose from three ongoing expansion efforts I have on the go: FRW; War of 1812-15; and ACW. As I said, we shall have to wait and see where the mood takes me...


  1. Grest additions to the collection David.

    1. Well, I wouldn't go that far myself Ray, but thanks!

  2. My recommendation is go with whatever takes your fancy whatever you paint will come in one day !

    1. Good advice! I've started another ACW infantry regiment.

  3. Long live Carl and Rose, great job!

  4. They make a fine old pair🙂

  5. Nice work! I am painting far more individual figures than regiments, they seem more interesting!

    1. Thanks Shaz4. I've managed 4 ACW figures since I posted the blog, so some progress.

  6. Useful looking pair!
    Best Iain
