David Bickley's Wargames Blog

The occasional ramblings of an average gamer, journeyman painter, indifferent modeller, games designer, sometime writer for Wargames Illustrated and host of games in GHQ.

Monday 4 December 2017

“In a much bearded army he was the hairiest general I ever saw!”

As I mentioned in the previous post, I’ve added yet another Command stand to my ACW Union army. The two figures represent General John C Robinson, described by a contemporary as “...the hairiest General in the whole army!” I used a Redoubt Enterprises Figure, but Mounted him on a Dixon  Miniatures ACW officer’s horse and placed him with another officer from Dixon to represent his staff ~

I would have liked to have asked Matt to sculpt Phil’s head for me but the truth is he’s far too busy to bother and I’m rather short of cash anyway so close to Christmas. I took one liberty in choosing the figure to represent himself, but I hope Phil will forgive me! Either way he won’t be making his debut on the tabletop battlefield here in GHQ before next year, so he has time to get used to the idea...


  1. I like the Redoubt characters and you have done a fine job on these two. My current favourite is their Beaureguard. Well done.

    1. As you know my preference is for Dixon figures, I just love the characterful faces and detail on the sculpts. That said, there are nowhere near enough lesser characters so I’m happy to use Redoubt figures for those. I did use some Redoubt figures when I was building up my armies but I used Dixon heads Trevor gave me, can’t warm to the Redoubt heads.

  2. Thankfully I have a bit more up top, at the moment anyway ;~)

    1. Indeed you do! I did say I’d taken one liberty in my choice of figure.

  3. Nice hairy general, lovely work on the horses.
    Best Iain

  4. Nice I do like a good beard !

    1. Indeed, I sported one myself in my earlier days!
