David Bickley's Wargames Blog

The occasional ramblings of an average gamer, journeyman painter, indifferent modeller, games designer, sometime writer for Wargames Illustrated and host of games in GHQ.

Friday, 31 January 2025

A Late Roman Frippery

When I received the last pieces of my order from Footsore Miniatures last month for Matt's Dark Age Welsh I also found two complementary figures were included, as there had been some mix up over the shields included. I gave Phil the one warrior figure as it fitted nicely with his Romano-Britons and I kept the female civilian for myself as I had an idea for a small vignette to liven up the tabletop battlefield! While plodding on with the French Garde Voltiguers for my Crimean War project I have also been working on the two figures for this vignette ~

The female figure is from their Gangs of Rome range and depicts a fishwife while the bored looking sentry was left over from my latest Late Roman Legion and is a venerable Wargames Foundry figure. The two figures seem to compliment each other nicely in both size and style to my eye. The sentry's shield transfers is from LBMS, you might remember them! The small base is from Warbases as ever. While it won't win any prizes I'm quietly pleased with how it looks on the tabletop battlefield, and as an added bonus it has reduced the Lead Pimple by two figures!!!!


  1. A splendid little vignette full of character. Fit to grace any table top.

  2. A very nice vignette and the poor chap looks like he's getting a right old ear full!

    1. I'm glad you see that in the figure choice and composition.

  3. Nicely done! I can hear the trooper: "A denarius for THAT! Don't make me laugh!"

  4. A marvellous piece of table dressing.
    The sentry actually looks like he's falling asleep, whilst she goes on at him.
    Great stuff.

    1. Thanks Andy. It's interesting how different folk see different nuances from the composition.

  5. A clever little vignette David!


  6. Lovely little vignette, shows what can be done with a couple of leftover figures. I wonder what the poor man ha done to get souch a tongue lashing?

    1. He's a man, he didn't have to do anything, it's the way it is...☹️

  7. Nice David I do wonder why she is giving him such a hard time ?

  8. Clearly love at first sight. Well for your viewers if not for this couple. I hope the sentry wasn't born a Pisces. He probably wish he had a helmet - one of those with the ear pieces.
    A nice little addition that could be a "Rally marker" or a "Disordered marker"!

    1. Thanks Stephen, perhaps he has found his zone though?

  9. A most splendid piece indeed! A fine example of how to correctly use up odds & sods. Fine brushwork and composure.... Well done!

    1. Thank you for your effusive support Paul! It is much appreciated.
