David Bickley's Wargames Blog

The occasional ramblings of an average gamer, journeyman painter, indifferent modeller, games designer, sometime writer for Wargames Illustrated and host of games in GHQ.

Monday 18 April 2016

Operation Checkmate

At last, a game today in GHQ! And not just any old game, but a VBCW game involving Eddy and 'That Woman'! Phil took the part of the Government Forces and I took on the Socialists of the People's Republic of Wolverhampton. The scenario sees the Socialists, having been alerted by an heroic employee of the railway to the passage close by of the Royal Train carrying the King and 'That Woman' south to Oxford, blocking the line outside Wolverhampton and derailing the train. The Government forces, rushing to the king's rescue, comprise elements of the KOSLI and the 'Bislston Steel' BUF, supported by local militia loyal to the Government, namely the Express and Star Rifles and Swindley's Own from Tettenall. The Socialists, based in the town, comprise local militia units: the Three Tuns Invincibles and the Boulton Paul Socialist Worker's Cooperative, supported by elements of the LDV who have gone over to the Socialist cause, together with some Anglican League militia based on St Peter's Church. The table at the outset ~

The King's party disembarked from the derailed Royal Train and anxiously awaiting rescue  ~

The Socialists set out to accomplish their task and capture the King ~

We used Bolt Action as the rules to run the game by, with the addition of a dice for the King's Party. When that was drawn the next Bolt Action dice determined which of us would control the royals! This meant they would mill about rather confusedly rather than just high tail it towards the relief forces, representing the confusion felt following a rail derailment at some speed.

Favoured by the draw of the dice in turn 1, the Express and Star Rifles and Swindley's own made good time across the fields towards the railway line, hoping to reach the King's party and effect a rescue, supported by the Bilston Steel unit from the BUF ~

Only too aware of the stakes in this operation, the local Socialists Militias of the People's Republic of Wolverhampton hurry towards the railway line ~

While the Anglican League Militia seize the bridge crossing point, supported by a light tank painted a rather fetching pink ~

Rather worryingly for the forces hurrying to their rescue, 'That Woman' proves to have little sense of direction and moves towards the advancing Socialist Militias ~

However, help is close at hand as Militias loyal to the Government cause are closing in on the train and its important passengers ~

The Socialists cross at a ford known to a local fisherman, supported by the first of the LDV. It looks like a close race to seize the King!

Again the draw of the dice favours those seeking to rescue the King's party and the Militia are soon almost in place to defend the King's withdrawal ~

Meanwhile, the Regulars of the KOSLI make their presence felt near the bridge crossing, while the light tank of the Shropshire Yeomanry exchanges fire with the Socialist tank ~

Concerned for the safety of his consort, the King and his entourage have joined the Queen's party and are in some danger of capture ~

Help is close at hand however in the form of the BUF and the Militias ~

Back at the bridge crossing the Anglican League and the supporting light tank are doing a great job at holding up the Regulars, giving their Socialist allies every chance to capture the King and his party ~

A swift attacking rush sees the LDV force capture the King's party { by winning the hand - to -hand combat phase} in the face of the enemy rushing to aid the King ~

Gallantly rushing to the King's rescue, the owner, management and employees of the Express & Star Rifles attack the LDV ~

And in vicious hand - to - hand combat they defeat the LDV giving the King and his party a chance to escape ~

At the bridge crossing the Anglican League are still heroically holding off the Regulars, despite the tragic loss of their light Tank to the KOSLI's 2lb anti-tank gun ~

At this crucial juncture of the game in Turn 6, the draw of the dice again favours the Government's forces and the King and his party make good their escape ~

The heroes of the Express & Star Rifles had sold their lives dearly in the cause, allowing the king to escape. The table at the end of Turn 6 shows the final position of the forces of both sides. The Government {Phil} had achieved their objective in rescuing the King and his party, so won the game, despite some serious losses. In the end, the Socialists were just too late to capitalise on the capture of the King earlier in the game ~

A close game which might well have gone the Socialist's way, but for the run of the dice drawn in Turn 4. While both sides began with an even chance of achieving their objective, after Turn 4 the game slipped inevitably away from the Socialists' grip. But still, there is always the next time.


  1. A great looking game David with a lot of real nice looking extzras!


    1. Thanks for the encouragement Christopher.

  2. Super game which based on your account was rather exciting!

    1. Glad you approve Colin. It was very exciting, one of the by products of BA dice.

  3. A rather spiffing scenario which was very evenly matched making the draw of the dice exciting and how one used them very thoughtful. The pics and narrative are first class as usual DB as befits the madness of the genre. God Save The King

    1. Thanks Oswald! More later in the year when Clem Bykleigh has recovered his strength!

  4. Great game report. Some real character in the figures on your table too.



    1. Thanks Pete. I try for local interest without the wilder elements seen in VBCW sometimes.

  5. A jolly good scenario & write up Mr.B.

  6. Great game and a great write-up... and not a single cycling Oompah Band, or surly Morris Dancer in sight. This is how I think VBCW should be done.

    1. I tend to agree with you Jim on the stranger elements of the VBCW. I plan some miners from Hilton Main colliery for some extra colour.

    2. In practical terms a miner's helmet serves the same function as a 'tin hat'... so no argument from me there.

      I'm all for colour, but I tend more towards sublime than ridiculous though. So miners in work gear yes, colliery brass band uniforms not so much.

  7. Great looking game, love the local details (Express & Star Rifles).

    1. Thanks Matt. You should consider dabbling yourself being local. I'm adding the Hilton Main miners later in the summer.

  8. Lovely looking game, hadn't come across your blog but will be following now 😀

    1. Welcome aboard Matt and thanks for the positive comment.

  9. Stirring stuff, and right down to the wire, too! Nicely done, sir!

    1. Thanks AJ! It was quite close really and very exciting at the climax of events.

  10. Top Notch Miniatures and Terrain, all in all a splendid game. Well Done!
    I am not sure about the 'pink' or is it 'salmon' FT 17 though...
