David Bickley's Wargames Blog

The occasional ramblings of an average gamer, journeyman painter, indifferent modeller, games designer, sometime writer for Wargames Illustrated and host of games in GHQ.

Wednesday, 5 February 2025

Men at Work!

I was sitting quietly in GHQ contemplating the end of game situation in my latest outing in the Wars of the French Revolution setting when it struck me that there were some of my vignettes, aka fripperies, which hadn't really shown to advantage in the various in-game photos which populated my blog. So, without more ado here they are front and centre, hope you like them ~
From Wargames Foundry's SYW range, a group of C18th labourers. I added the small rocks from my Woodlands Scenics stock. The set also included a wooden finger post.
Of course, even in the C18th it seems you could not rely on getting a day's work for a day's pay from the average worker!
Any army needs to keep it's equipment up to snuff! From Eureka Miniatures I got this group featuring swords being sharpened and wheels being crafted. For the interested the Lion Head Fountain is from Iron Gate Scenics.
Similarly Eureka Miniatures do this rather snazzy Field Bakery set. The flour mill and surrounding items are from Iron Gate Scenics I think. Eureka Miniatures also have a butcher at work, a set I must pick up sometime I think.
Finally, no army can get far without either staff work or a commissary. From the left we have: Eureka Miniatures' Vivandiere and cart; Perry Miniatures French baggage waggon; two Perry Miniatures French staff officer sets; Trent Miniatures Représentant du Peuple; all around a Grand Manner Command Tent!

1 comment:

  1. Splendid these fine vignettes always get crowded out by the carnage around them in game shots. Some nice close ups Mr. DeMille.
