David Bickley's Wargames Blog

The occasional ramblings of an average gamer, journeyman painter, indifferent modeller, games designer, sometime writer for Wargames Illustrated and host of games in GHQ.

Saturday 6 July 2024

Guard Duty

I mentioned in the previous blog post that I'd been rummaging about in the Lead Pimple. Alongside the two Roosian casualties you saw towards the end of said post I found four Great War Miniatures British infantry figures, one sergeant and three privates. Initially I couldn't see any relevant use I might put them to so they were laid aside pending inspiration. A couple of days later I was sitting at my desk painting when it suddenly dawned on me how I might use them. I saw them in a small vignette representing the guard being inspected by the duty sergeant! Another frippery added to the ever expanding number! So, without more ado here they are ~
As you already know I have decided to lay the French and the remaining Cossacks aside for now, I really do need a change. In the early autumn I should receive my Footsore Miniatures Vikings, sculpted by Matt, from their Kickstarter. { I've actually got a few resin master casts as a gift from Matt which I hope to work on.} However, they are two or three months away for now so I have the opportunity to paint other bits and bobs as I choose, so, some Casting Rooms Miniatures SYW British Horse Grenadiers on foot who have been lurking for years in the Lead Pimple are next up!
As if I don't have enough in the Lead Pimple to be going on with I have sent off an order to Aventine Miniatures for the bones of a Pyrrhic army ~ three Phalanxes, Companion Cavalry, Greek Light Cavalry, a mounted Successor general, Pyrrhic General & Staff on foot, and skirmishing Light Infantry. With what can be added to them from my Punic Wars armies I should need only some Tarentines. But then you are all wargamers so you already know how these things go...


  1. Lovely little guard vignette David….really impressed you are starting another army already, but you are right we do know how it goes.

    1. Thank you Matt. Rescued from Spam, again... Yes, we all know how it goes, true.

  2. More excellent table dressing.Your collection just keeps getting better and better.

    1. Those are very kind sentiments Andy and most welcome, thanks.

  3. Splendid! Those will compliment any on table camp scene nicely.

  4. Cracking use of spare figures, it would have been be a shame for them not to get their chance to grace the table, but now they will!

  5. Clever little vignette David!


  6. I'm sure the sergeant will find something to say about the sentries' turn out - they usually do, but it's a nice idea for the spare figures.
    Like you I am determining what I might be able to get painted before the Footsore Vikings arrive. The Horse grenadiers sound interesting.

    1. I think it worked out well. The Horse Grenadiers are underway now!

  7. That's a very neat and clever idea to use a few surplus figures David:).

  8. A lovely (stealable ) vignette David…

    That Pyrrhic thing is catching… Isn’t it 😁

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thank you Aly! Feel free to borrow (& improve) the idea!

  9. Spended work dave, very nicely put-together. I wonder what the Sargeant is actualy saying to them?

    1. Smarten up! I'd rather imagine as a comment on my painting efforts!
