On Monday Phil and I met up in GHQ for our prearranged weekly game. We had settled on a smallish Wars of the French Revolution battle pitting the French, commanded by Phil, against the Austrians, lead by yours truly. The rules would as usual be Black Powder and the game length set at Ten Turns. Each side had three Brigades: Light Infantry; Light Cavalry; and Line Infantry respectively. The French had two batteries of 4lb guns to support their attack, the Austrians one battery of 12lb guns. The French would receive a fourth brigade as reinforcements in Turn 5. Their objective was to command the higher ground on either side of the road bisecting the tabletop battlefield north to south. As you've no doubt come to expect, an annotated photomontage follows which hopefully will carry you right in to the unfolding action ~

On the Austrian right the Hungarian infantry advance to the crest of a low ridge. The French 10th Demi-Brigade de Ligne is slow to pass through the farm in support of their artillery deploying on the low rise to their right.
On the Austrian left O'Donnell's Freikorps, supported by Grenz and a lone line battalion, advanced and give an ineffectual volley against the massed columns of French Legeré.
In the French centre the Light Cavalry Brigade moves forward to engage their Austrian opposite numbers supported by their Horse Artillery battery. In the distance the foot artillery is making heavy going as it attempts to reach the higher ground in support of the Legeré.
French Hussards and Austrian Hussars clash! Sabres flash, flesh is rent, the mass of cavalry swirls around seeking to throw back their foes.
The Austrian morale collapses as they get the worst of the action and they break and flee to the rear, all cohesion gone! First blood to the French!
On the Austrian left a second ineffectual volley from the Freikorps fails to halt the columns of French Legeré! It's down now to the cold steel of the bayonet! A second battalion is moving up to flank the Freikorps.
On the Austrian right the leading battalion of the Demi-Brigade crashes into the Austrian infantry. Fighting is fierce but indecisive at first.
In the centre a second cavalry action unfolds. Despite being out numbered the smaller unit of Emigre hussars crash into their larger
French counterparts and inflict serious losses on them.
The French Hussards' morale breaks and they flee for their lives. All along the Austrian front their army is standing steadfastly against the Revolutionary French!
Back on the Austrian left the Grenz have moved swiftly to prevent the Freikorps being flanked. Again though their ragged volley fails to halt the columns of Legeré who crash violently into their thin line. Fighting is raging all along this part of the line with only the understrength battalion of Line to support the Austrian effort.
The Freikorps are broken by the French and flee to the rear. The Grenz are now isolated and face a numerically superior enemy. If the Line do not throw the rampant French back the Austrian right will be turned.
In the centre the Grenadier battalion finds it's advance on the French Horse Artillery suddenly blocked by enemy cavalry. They form square hurriedly in an attempt to deter the charge!
The French Hussards charge home as the Grenadiers fail to give any closing fire as they lack sufficient time in their haste to deploy into square. The outcome of the ensuing melee is almost a foregone conclusion...
The Grenadiers suffer immense losses and becoming Shaken so it is no surprise that their morale crumbles and the Square is ridden down. Despite their victory, in the face of two steadfast Line units the Hussards do not risk a Sweeping Advance and opt instead to Rally Back.
On the Austrian right fighting is intense and casualties are mounting on both sides. Which side will break first may determine the outcome of the whole battle as the French look for their expected reinforcement to shore up their attack in this sector.
The Austrian losses mount and the battalion is forced to fall back both Disordered and Shaken! The French attack the Austrians supporting battalion with renewed belief!
The whole Demi-Brigade presses home the attack. There are no reinforcements available to shore up the line, they must hold the position at all costs.
On the Austrian right the Grenz are Shaken, meaning the Brigade is Broken. They and the understrength Line battalion must retire leaving the Austrian centre flanked. In an attempt to break the French centre before they are overwhelmed the Austrian and Emigre Light Cavalry move forward en masse. If they can throw back the French the battle may yet be won.
The Austrian right has not only held, but has repulsed the Demi-Brigade and driven them off Broken by losses and falling morale. The Austrians sense victory is within their grasp.
There is no respite to be had though as the French reinforcements arrive opposite the battle-worn Austrian right. With no hope of reinforcements and seeing their cavalry advance in the centre Broken the battle is lost!
Stirring music from the French Demi-Brigade's bandsmen and the loud cheering of the victorious French all along the line announces a great victory for their commanding general. He is spared an appointment with the guillotine...for now at least. As ever
Black Powder gave us a splendid game where fortunes ebbed and flowed unpredictably until the Austrian morale finally collapsed. Look out for more from the Wars of the French Revolution here in GHQ in the coming days.