David Bickley's Wargames Blog

The occasional ramblings of an average gamer, journeyman painter, indifferent modeller, games designer, sometime writer for Wargames Illustrated and host of games in GHQ.

Tuesday 23 July 2024

Going Toe to Toe...

...in any recreation of the Charge of the Light Brigade here in GHQ are two of the character figures from Great War Miniatures set of three. Readers with a better memory than me will recall seeing my take on Captain Nolan in an earlier post. 

The remaining two figures were staring so forlornly at me from the Lead Pimple that I finally succumbed and gave them their moment under the brush. The two comprise Captain William Morris and the 17th Lancers' regimental butcher Jack Vahey. They are mounted as a pair, not so much as a Command base, but rather another Frippery to decorate the table ~

As you can't help but notice the Great War Miniatures figures are considerably larger than their Foundry colleagues so they are best kept in separate elements in my opinion. I saw recently that the Lancer packs seem to be available again on North Star's site, so perhaps Aly is reworking the masters for the 'out of production' Light Brigade figures? I suppose I could buy these now and paint them as the 12th Lancers, adding the second Light Dragoon and Hussar regiments in due course. Lots more in the Lead Pimple though, so it's just a thought, at present... Meanwhile next figures up across the painting desk sees a return to the Italian Wars collection. More on those in due course.

Just in case you have missed it there is a new gaming post over on my sister blog, Tales from Rhanzlistan - see sidebar for link. Why not pop over and see how our old foes Robinski and 'Tubby' Bykleigh fared in a renewal of hostilities?


  1. A fine addition to the Crimean frippery. I shall pootle over to Rhanzlistan to peruse the Imperialist propaganda.

    1. Thanks for that Phil, and replying on my Rhanzlistan blog too.

  2. Nice little vignette, these little bases certainly add a lot to the table, another goodie!

    1. Thank you Donnie, I'm glad we agree about these Fripperies.

  3. Fine additions there David and I do remember the earlier Nolan figure, or at least I think I do!

    1. Thank you SteveJ, I'm sure you do remember him!

  4. Poor Nolan, what’s the story with the butcher?

    1. It appears he had been confined the previous night for drunkenness. On release he took a captured Roosian horse and joined his regiment in the charge still in his working fatigued. Is it true? Can't say...

  5. Lovely figures once again Dave. Can't decide who looks the more formidable.... wouldn't like to come up aginst either of them!! Great work sir!

    1. Can they fight or are they just for decoration? Time will tell.

  6. Nicely done David…

    The Lancers and Light Dragoons have been fixed…
    The Hussars may take a bit longer as they need a bit bit more work… 😁

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thanks for the support Aly, and the information. Any idea on timescale for the Hussars - I need to save my pennies you see.
