David Bickley's Wargames Blog

The occasional ramblings of an average gamer, journeyman painter, indifferent modeller, games designer, sometime writer for Wargames Illustrated and host of games in GHQ.

Friday 24 May 2024

The 97th, the Earl of Ulster's Regiment

There has been a bit of a pause in gaming activity this past week or so here in GHQ with Phil being off in Cornwall for some R&R with his family. That has enabled me to press on with another British infantry regiment for my Crimean War project, this being the 97th, the Earl of Ulster's Regiment ~

The figures are of course from Great War Miniatures, the flags from North Star and the bases as ever from Warbases ~

There now remains one more regiment ready to pass across the painting desk and muster into GHQ as the 88th, the Connaught Rangers {together with six Roosian Dragoons gifted by chum Colin Ashton} and the original collection as I envisaged it is done! 

However, 'as any wargamer kno', no project is ever truly done and this one of mine is no exception. Still lurking in the Lead Pimple are the 42nd, the Black Watch, to round out my Highland Brigade, my recently acquired Eureka Miniatures Roosian Field Dressing/casualty vignettes, some Foundry Cossacks, a Perry Miniatures Cossack cart, some Eureka Miniatures Cossack scouts and five battalions of Great War Miniatures French infantry together with one battalion of Foundry Zouaves and two command vignettes. The latter French elements are scheduled to be my over winter project {DV} together with my Kickstarter pledge of Matt's Footsore Vikings. At least that's the current plan, and we all know what befalls plans...


  1. Another fine unit,the basing is particularly eye catching.
    "Plans", every wargamer's nemesis!!

  2. Another lovely unit David and a nice gift from Colin too:). I doubt any of our projects will be truly finished...

  3. Very handsome work, David! Unfinished projects? Whoever heard of such?

    1. Thanks Jonathan! Your support is very welcome.

  4. Another splendid addition with the positioning of the figures giving a great sense of movement.

    1. Hopefully they will not be moving too briskly on the tabletop battlefield, unless it's backwards of course😁

  5. A cracking addition to your collection, they look great. A project that is finished is a phrase that does not compute with me, there is always that "something else" to add!!

    1. Indeed there is Donnie McG, indeed there is!

  6. Very nice David…
    The pale blue facings work well…When I eventually jump back into the Great Crimean War Rebasing project I will definitely be adding the 97th to the British.

    ‘Done, Finished, Plan’…. I recognise all those letters…but the way you have arranged them doesn’t seem to make any sense to me 🤣.

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thanks Aly and good luck with the rebasing and additions! Your second point is most amusing also.

  7. Lovely looking regiment 👍

  8. Best plan Dave... just keep painting! Every small step, is a step nearer the end, or so they say.
    Another finly turned out regiment there to grace the table. Very nice work! Well done.

    1. Thanks Paul! Currently just pootling along here.
